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Support for Amadeo's Family in Tragic Times

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On Wednesday April 17, 2024 Amadeo Alvarez Jr.'s life was tragically cut short in a car accident in Richmond, California. At just six years old, Amadeo touched every life he came in contact with, with a smile that could light up a room and a laugh that was infectious.

Amadeo was a joyful, vibrant boy with a zest for life that touched everyone who knew him. He loved baseball, basketball and soccer, playing constantly at school and at home. At the age of 4, he started playing baseball with Tara Hills, where they gave him the nickname “Big Bat” because he was excellent at knocking the ball out of the park! At five years old he joined the Richmond Little League and was so good they placed him on the 7 year olds team. His favorite thing to do was practice sports with his Dad and hang out with his teammates. His absence has left a void in the hearts of his family and friends that can never be filled.

In the midst of this heartbreaking tragedy, we are reaching out to our community for support. His mother Carla Lopez and her family are facing not only the emotional toll of this loss, but also the financial burden of an unexpected funeral and medical expenses. No parent should ever have to endure the pain of burying their child and no family should face this alone.

We are asking for your help in easing the financial strain on the family as they navigate through this heartbreaking chapter in their lives. Your kindness and generosity will provide Carla and her family with the support they desperately need. Let's come together as a community to show our love for the Alvarez family during this time of profound sadness.

Please consider donating and sharing this fundraiser with your friends, family, and social networks. The support to Amadeo Senior, Carla, and Amadeo Jr.’s two sisters, is much appreciated.

Thank you for your compassion and support.

Candlelight Vigil for Amadeo Alvarez Jr.
Saturday 4/20 at 7pm
Please join us on Cutting Blvd and Carlson Blvd


  • Añita G
    • 50 $ 
    • 1 Mo
  • Rolando Bonilla
    • 300 $ 
    • 2 Mo
  • Anonym
    • 100 $ 
    • 2 Mo
  • robyn tilson
    • 60 $ 
    • 2 Mo
  • Jennifer Hiramatsu
    • 50 $ 
    • 2 Mo


Jasmine Douville
Richmond, CA

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