Memorial Fund Ednea and Elias de Paula
Donation protected

This memorial fund is in tribute to Elias De Paula who recently passed away on 7/26/20 due to fighting against Covid19. Elias was married to his bride Ednea of 43 years and father to two children. He was a devoted husband and loving father to Ivena and Maxwell de Paula. A faithful servant at his local church where he used his musical talent to worship the Lord. His love and kindness were evident through his big smile upon greeting anyone who passed him by. He is survived by his precious wife Ednea de Paula who herself is a Pastor and prayer warrior. We are asking for friends and family to help, care for the Paula family as they deal with unspeakable tragedy and grief. As Pastor Ednea and her dear husband Elias has shown all of their family and friends love in times past, let us now, as the body of Christ, show them love and care.
For donor transparency, I am setting up Ednea as the beneficiary of this Go Fund Me, which will allow her to withdraw funds directly at a time of her choosing to help out with URGENT funeral costs and any other expenses. She recently recovered of Covid19 herself and has not been working due to this health crisis.
Vaquinha para a Pastora Edineia
Nosso querido Presbitero Elias Paula que recentemente morreu na cidade de Fort Myers na tarde de 26/07/2020 vítima de Covid-19, ele tinha 84 anos. Presbitero Elias de Paula era casado com sua noiva amada Ednea de Paula a 43 anos e um pai querido para Ivena e Maxwell de Paula. Um servo fiel ao Senhor que usava seus talentos no trombone para louvar a Deus. Seu sorriso e simpatia era contagiosa. Neste momento de grande tragedia e dor estamos pedindo ajuda de todos os familiares e amigos para demonstrar o seu amor e carinho para com esta familia. Vamos juntos como corpo de Cristo, demonstrar a Pastora Ednea e sua familia nossos sentimentos.
Todas as doacoes serao enviadas diretamente para a Pastora Ednea para cobrir custos funebres, e as demais necessidades. Pastora Ednea esteve ela propria recuperando tambem do Covid19 e nao estava em condicoes de trabalhar nas ultimas semanas.
Obrigado pela consideracao.
Organizer and beneficiary
Sam D - on behalf of Edineia Paula
Fort Myers, FL
Ednea De Paula