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Support Charli Lee

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My best friend, Charli was in a terrible car accident early Saturday morning. She was stopped at a red light and was T boned by a drunk driver going over 60 mph. Immediately after the crash, the driver fleed the scene of the wreck, leaving Charli unconscious and trapped in the mangled vehicle. She has a broken rib and a punctured lung from the impact. My biggest concern is that she remains unconscious due to the brain trauma and remains in ICU. We aren’t really sure when she will wake up. There is a good chance she is going to need different types of therapy after ICU. She has two beautiful boys that need their momma! I am hoping to raise money not only to help with the medical bills and personal injury attorney fees, but also to help with her rent and expenses for her boys while she is unable to work.
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  • Anonyme
    • $58 
    • 6 yrs
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Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Katie Dobson Richey
Rockwall, TX
Patricia Turnbow

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