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Support Ascencion's Family

Spende geschützt
Ascencion Reyna, passed away on February 19th, at the young age of 23.  

At work, he was known as Ace, at home, he was known as Gordo or Chon.  But no matter how you knew him, you always knew him to be a joy to be around.  He was smart, funny, and had the biggest heart.  He cared for everyone he met, and would always greet you with a warm hug.  He leaves behind many family members and friends who will always cherish the short time we had with him.

This fund is to help support our friend's family, as they celebrate the life of Ascencion.  The family appreciates any contribution whether it be money or words of kindness.

*This fund was created with the support of Ascencion's family, and will be given to them to help pay for funeral expenses.


  • Jessica Barnes
    • $100 
    • 6 yrs


Anthony Carlos Perez
San Antonio, TX

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