Self Defense for Women in Israel
The new world in Israel. Random stabbings, car attacks. People panicking. With every passing day, we are experiencing a greater sense of anxiety. We know we are all becoming targets. Parents are afraid to send their children to school.
Who We Are
We are self defense instuctors in Israel who have committed ourselves to train women in our communities.
What is Our Program?
A 5 Week Krav Maga crash course to empower women with the skills to defend themselves from attacks. We have developed the intensive program to build skills one upon the other, so that after 10 classes, students come away with a broad knowledge of attacks, defenses and strikes.
How Can You Help?
$20: Sponsors one person to take one class*
$100: Sponsors one person to take the entire course *
$1800: Sponsors a class of 18 to take the 5 week course*
$anything: no donation too small! Every dollar helps! All donations go toward the cost of training.
* actual costs of class varies by location & size of class.
What if You Want to Sponsor a Specific Student/Class?
Do you have friends or family trying to organize a specific class? When you donate, add a note with the name of the town or organization so we can allocate the funds for that class.
For example, if your friends in Baka, Jerusalem are working with us to get a class funded, add a note "for the Baka class" and we'll make sure your donation goes to their class.
If you want to sponsor a specific student in that class, specify her name and the town/organization.
If a class does not raise enough money and cannot launch, your donation will go forward to other classes.
What will we do with the funds?
The more you donate, the more classes we can open in more communities. All donations go in full to opening and running classes in Israel.
Every day we (the instructors) are getting calls and cries for help. Throughout the day more women in more communities are asking for training.
They are scared. You can help.
We want to spread these courses as far and wide as we can, and give the women of this country the training they so desperately seek.
Donating to this cause provides women the opportunity to join the class who otherwise would not have financially been able to. Help shed some light into this dark time in our homeland, give strength in this moment of feeling so weak, and help empower us all in this time of feeling so helpless against the terror we are experiencing.
Find us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/kravcrashcourse/