Stevie the Wonder Dog needs your HELP - Leukemia
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This is something I never thought I would have to do. And asking for help isn't something we are used to doing. My name is Lucinda and my husband Mick and I need your help. Our dog Stevie (#Steviethewonderdog) has been diagnosed with a terminal Leukemia. Stevie has been with us since he was 13 weeks old. A rescue from Tennessee, Stevie has been our best friend, "child", constant and loyal companion, therapist, secret keeper and tour dog for almost 14 years. As national recording artists, Stevie has accpompanied us on every tour, loving the van, the rest areas, hotels, rental houses and all of the fans along the way. When we would roll in to a new tour stop, we often heard "did you bring Stevie?". Stevie is more famous than we could ever be. Stevie has climbed mountains, gone to the beach, ridden the Ferry, befriended Bears and Chipmunks, traveled the country and is the best big brother to his little sister Jinx the Underdog.
Always a very healthy dog, he started to have surgery about 5 years ago for cancer issues. The most recent was february 13 of 2023. We knew the most recent surgeries would be difficult. Using a specialist in this area, Stevie had a tumor removed from his front right leg (4 previous surgeries) and 3 tumors from his abdomen. The abdomen healed well. The leg took almost four moths to heal and close up leaving him in a cone for the whole time with little exercise or movement. I slept next to him on the floor literally in his dog bed every night for four months until he healed.
About 2 weeks ago, Stevie had a seizure for the first time in his life. It lasted about 3 minutes and his disorientation lasted for hours. After he slept for awhile, he awakened in a normal state as if nothing had happened. I brought him to the Vet the next day for blood tests and a physical. The first set of tests showed possible Lymphoma. The news was bad and life expectancy was considered very short. We had to do another batch of blood tests to determine if this diagnosis was in fact correct. It was and Stevie now has T-Cell Leukemia.
The surgery in February using a specialist, the exams, diagnostics and blood test was over $6,000. The intial blood tests performed this past week for the diagnosis was over $1200. Each visit to the Vet is almost $300. The Vet visits will become much more frequent now and are never inexpensive. Our team of Veterinarians have been amazing. And worth every penny.
The next step is to visit an Oncologist (expensive) that can determine a protocol to prolong Stevie's quality of life. Believe me, we are not lying to ourselves, we know the end is not far off. But we want to do everything we can to keep Stevie comfortable and happy until we say goodbye. We are as loyal to him as he has been to us.
We are not rich. We own our own business and I have a full-time job as well. Everything is expensive and we know you all feel the effects of it too. But I have no other way to repay Stevie for all that he has given us and his fans than to ask you for help. The medications he will need will be above our means. The surgery and previous Vet exams have really taken so much of what we had. And in the end, there will be the cost of euthanasia and cremation which I cannot even wrap my head around right now.
I know you have enjoyed Stevie's social posts over the years, and I know many of you have rooted him on. We thank you for anything no matter how small to help our boy. He has been everything to us for almost 14 years. His body is betraying him but we won't. His mind and personality are all still there as well as his loving playful nature. I have to give him this gift.
We thank you for your love, kindness and friendship. And for being there.
Lucinda Rowe-Connolly
Torrington, CT