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Return to Heal - Service Dogs for Veterans

Donativo protegido
Please help fund our passion to train dogs for veterans.  Service dogs greatly improve the way of life for veterans and can help save their lives. A great team has came together to do just that - Return to Heal that will provide service dogs to veterans.

Jason and Tom are the founders of Return to Heal, and as combat veterans they can relate to fellow veterans who suffer from PTSD. These two veterans are using their military skills and experience training and working with military dogs to help improve the lives of their fellow veteran brothers and sisters. 

Jason Harvey has been working with dogs since 2000 when he joined the Marine Corps and was selected to be a Military working Dog Handler. Thomas Hansen is Return to Heal’s co-founder and is a former Army Dog Handler since 2006. Tom and Jason operate and own Veteran K-9 Training in Idaho. We always have room on our team of volunteers. 

This gofundme page is created to give our supporters a way to give. The funds raised from this campaign will be used to cover operation costs of Return to Heal. 

Thank you for your time and donation.



  • Eileen Fenner
    • $50
    • 6 yrs

Equipo de recaudación de fondos (3)

Jason Harvey
Meridian, ID
Thomas Hansen
Team member
Julie McBride
Team member

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