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Stand With Emma

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Help Emma defeat cancer! 

Emma Elizabeth Turner was born on April 18th to parents Ben and Missy Turner. Moments after being born, the doctors noticed a tumor on her left chest wall and breast. Only a few short weeks after being born, she was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma - a rare form of soft tissue cancer in her pectoral muscle.

Emma is Ben and Missy's first child and the diagnosis has taken a toll on them not only emotionally, but financially as well. Ben is currently a firefighter in the Houston area who has had to give up shifts to take care of his family and Missy has now had to take an extended leave from work to take care of Emma throughout  her treatment.

Over the course of the next 42 weeks, Emma is scheduled for weekly chemotherapy treatments consisiting of vincristine, dactinomycin, cyclophosphamide and irinotecan to shrink the tumor. After 4 months of treatment, the doctors hope to perform surgery to remove the tumor and the finish the remaning cycles of chemotherapy. 

While this diagnosis has struck a blow to the Turner family, they have vowed to stand strong in the fight against cancer. But, with mounting medical and other unexpected expenses, they need your help now more than ever! 

It's not everyday that we get the opportunity to make a difference in a life. But, a donation to help Emma fight cancer will go towards making a huge difference in the lives of Emma and her sweet family.  

We hope you take the time to take part in this fight and to help Emma and her family through this difficult time.


  • Terry Krebs
    • $100 
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Luke Williams
Roanoke, TX
Missy Turner

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