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Stairclimbing, Stargazing and Spinraza

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Stairclimbing, Stargazing and Spinraza are on my BIG-LIFE-PLANS list. This fundraiser only covers the Stairclimbing part. 

Hello to you.

You might be reading this as a friend, acquiantance, work colleague or a total stranger who doesn't know me. For the benefit of the latter, I'll summarise who I am...

My name is Kiana Kalantar-Hormozi, I'm 25 [and a half], filmmaker, singer/songwriter [working on my album, coming soon I swear!], and activist.

My friends who know me say I'm "a force of nature" - which funilly enough is what my name means!

I've got SMA Type 2 - a muscle weakening condition which means I'm dependent on support, and most importantly, my wheelchair for my independence.

But I am most certainly not the sit-at-home type of gal.

All my life I've had a streak for adventure, excitement and sometimes getting into trouble without meaning to...but here's the big bad enemy that's had stopped me from going on awesome journey - STEPS. [And people who love steps].

They're everywhere. When people built what they built, they didn't take into account universal design or what someone like me might need.

I shouldn't be excluded from society because of ignorance. Places and people /should/ change yes - but it's never gonna be 100% [historical building] and it's happening way too slowly [like seriously, my pet snail I had as a child moved faster].

Three of my closest friends live in accessible houses - so I can visit them and that's amazing.

Two other of my closest friends recently had to move - and although step-free access was on their wishlist because of me, it became impractical to find a suitable place that was also accessible.

Believe me I know how hard it is... I've been house hunting before, it's painful.

And let's not get started on all the partying I missed as a student cause other students' flats where inaccessible...

This wheelchair [obviously designed by hipster graduates, high five guys!] is built with the idea that no one should be excluded from society or alienated cause they need wheels to get around.

It can go up steps, uneven slopes, has more functions than my current wheelchair and amazing balance. I would actually be able to go up mountains easier than someone who can walk - no joke.

I will conquer any surface and go EVERYWHERE. The world will truly be my oyster then [weird saying, my teachers used to say it to me at school].

We're living in a society where we can get men on the moon [apparently women still don't have spacesuits that fit them so we need to work on that ...another campaign!].

But we don't often harness the knowledge and technology we have to benefit people in society and allow them to live the happiest, healthiest life they possibly can.

That has to change - we have to start caring about every single member no matter how different they are from us.

And as a person who's needed a wheelchair all her life - I will tell you, nothing, even not getting this wheelchair, would never stop me from trying to go up mountains and rebuilt cities.

BUT having this wheelchair would make life a whole lot easier and give me the independence I deserve.

It has to be the new norm for anyone who wants it and I would actively promote this wheelchair to be the new norm [so the government changes and starts funding /actually/ useful wheelchairs which they currently don't].

Also, two happy ending because - if and when I get treatment for SMA and get stronger and if one day I don't need this chair [i.e. if I could use a manual chair or even no chair...] then I would obviously pass the Scevo onto someone who needs it.

There's all the happy endings.

Mwah ♥


Kiana Kalantar-Hormozi

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