Staff relief
Last night the state mandated an indefinite shut down for bars and restaurants. While we understand why this decision was made, it is an incredibly tough call for a lot of us.
Please consider donating a little something tohelp out our kids while we navigate through this crisis. These are hourly and tipped workers who live check to check. Unemployment benefits won’t cover most of their needs.
We don’t want something for nothing! $20 gets you a little plant in a beautiful Table teacup
$50 gets you a ‘Smoked & Pickled’ Table Tee
$100 gets you a bottle of wine $500 a meal for four delivered to your home $1000 a 3 course meal for 6 cooked in your home or at The Table!
Hopefully, we’ll see you in a few weeks!
#forkresponsibly #SmallBusinessRelief