St. Patrick Tanzania Global Health Ministry
Tax deductible
St Patrick's parishioners have joined forces with Catholic sisters in Tanzania to provide medical care to a remote village, Kifuru. They are providing maternity care and ongoing care for young mothers and their children. They serve about 1,000 people a year and not only provide care to the village of Kifuru but also to the surrounding rural areas that previously lacked access to medical care.
Since 2022, we have finished the construction of the clinic. It is now open for care with a full-time doctor! We are hoping to raise money to cover the cost of a four-wheel drive vehicle to transport patients to the nearest hospital in case of emergency (the nearest hospital is over 10 miles away and no one owns a vehicle in the village) as well as from rural villages to the clinic. The village roads are made of dirt and are especially difficult to traverse when it rains. The cost of a used four wheel vehicle is $14,000
St Patrick Church
Memphis, TN
St. Patrick Catholic Church