Soft Location records in Portland
Soft Location is recording a new (our 4th!) album in this studio in Portland, Oregon this July with our friend and engineer wizard Aaron Mullan.
What year is it? We've been a band for 15 years. SOFT LOCATION. What mysterious pull brings us together season after season? We honestly don't know, only that the well is as fresh as it was the first time. It's actually more and more fun the older we get.
It's 2018. We sound different but the same. We take our time, we leave space. These songs are written on keyboard rather than guitar. All original members. Synth, drums, bass, keys, vocals. Probably should put some flute in there.
Jen David of Third Wave Music voted Soft Location "live band that sounds most like the recording". What happens in Soft Location? It's about listening. Ben Good said" Soft Location is like a comet that goes across the sky and we all say, Damn. There it goes."
This studio opportunity is a dream - 4 days and nights - the studio includes lodging. The recording studio is one of the best places on Earth. Thank you for your support.
The song you hear in the video is a live recording from Third Wave Music this April, it is one of the songs we will be recording at the studio.
For listening and FREE downloading all of our previous three albums please go to:
Check out our website: www.soft-location.com
We will be having an art show in Detroit in July with all four members! We will post on here once we have those details
Love and Appreciation
GIFTS - write in a note what you want!
A Gif in your Inbox - antics in the studio $10
"Odds & Ends" mp3s of live tracks and previously unreleased $15
Thank you hand made Postcard $25
Limited edition "Diamonds & Gems" tshirt $30
Soft Location Sweatpants $30 (Seriously)
WE WILL SING YOUR NAME - Soft Location rendering of your name mp3 recorded in the studio $40
Lino cut Print by Ben Good $50
Portland or Bust Package $100 - "Land Electric" LP + "Fools" LP + Diamonds & Gems tshirt (sorry you'll have to be satisfied with mp3s of D & G until we reissue it) + Silkscreened Shark Poster by Chris
SONG POEM - Kathy will write and record a song out of your essay/poem/what have you $250
Original artwork from all 4 members! $500