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Smilin' Jack's Medical Fund

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Jackson is 5 months old. He is a beautiful, happy, smiley, giggly little boy.

Smilin' Jack is strong, and brave, and he has so much love in his life. But Jack needs our help right now. 

If you are able to help, we are incredibly grateful. All donations will go to sweet Smilin' Jack's medical expenses, and any additional funds will be donated to the University of Iowa Children's Hospital. 

Please read Jack's story from his parents, Chris & Sydney: 
(Sunday, September 24th 2017) 
I noticed a couple days ago that smilin Jack didn't seem so smiley. He was very agitated when I would lay him down on his back and didnt enjoy tummy time anymore. Thursday night and Friday morning he was unable to keep any food down. Everything he ate would come right back up. We also noticed he was doing some funny things with his eyes. He simple wasn't himself. Friday, We decided to take him to Blank childrens hospital instead of his normal pediatrician. We were concerned with him becoming dehydrated. Once we were seen at blank childrens hospital and the doctors knew the symptoms they suggested a head CT to be on the safe side.

This is where everything gets hard.

The CT came back and confirmed that there was a mass on the bottom right side of his brain which is causing fluid to build up in his head. It is called Hydrocephalus.

They immediately flew Jack and I to Iowa City. He had a catheter placed in his head to drain the fluid and the doctors ordered a MRI to confirm what the mass was. We were informed this morning that the mass is a tumor.

Jack will have surgery Monday to remove hopefully all of the tumor. They will send in a biopsy of the tumor to see if we need to start chemo or radiation.

He had his breathing tube taken out yesterday afternoon and was able to have some formula. He only threw up once last night and a bit today, but the nurses think that was due to over eating. Therefore, they reduced the amount of formula he was eating at every feeding.

Jack has been doing really well today. He has been flirting and smiling with all the nurses and anyone who walked by! You honestly wouldn't think anything is wrong. He is very very happy! He is such a strong little guy

We aren't positive what time the surgery will be tomorrow. We do know it'll be after 2pm. And the procedure will atleast 6 hours.

We would greatly appreciate if you kept Jack in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow and every day here on out. But especially tomorrow!

We will make sure to keep everyone updated and know that we truly appreciate all the love and support you have shown us these past few days


  • Karen Alexander
    • $100
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Cara Shindler
West Des Moines, IA
Christopher Coy

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