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Getting a leg stand an a fed bike

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My name is edward patterson.. I was paralyzed at the age of 24 due to a gun shot wound to the back caught in the middle of two men shooting at each other.. The impact of the bullet severed one of my verabrates, torn nerves , also traveled to the leftside of my body punturing my left lung leading me to bleed to death.. I was only 5 mins away from meeting death face to face, due to the bullet putting a whole in my lung, leading for blood to overflow into my left lung as i inhale an exhale.. I thank god i was able to live threw this tragedy, but it left me paralyzed from mid chest down. (T7) spinal cord injury.. I have only 25% of my upper chest to control. The other 75% is paralyzed.. I went to rehab for a month learning how to live as a paraplegic, to be able to live independent.. It has be very gard as i been going threw major depression for about the first 7 months of being home ,not being able to do all the old things i was able to do in past , but mainly not being able to walk.. I got jealous watching other people walk around me when i was in public ill go in the bathroom an just cry my eyes out beacuse i just wished i could walk again.. I was going threw major back pain due to nerve pain an also from having a chest tube inserted into the side of my rib cage to reach my lung to pump out access blood that fufilled it while it was hole still there.. It was so painful to the point for about 3 to 4 months i could barely get into my wheelchair beacuse of intense back an nerve pain.. I have developed bedsores that went from bad to almost leading to my death. My sores got to the point they reached all way to exposing my butt bone.. For about 5 months last year 2014 i have been threw the worse pains in my life also leading to bedsores that landed me into the hospital for about 5 months so far. (Currently. Still here as of today)... But threw it all i am blessed to still be living an pushing , reguardless of what im going threw i will walk again an ill work as hard as i have to , to get my dream to come true.. This is were my fellow friends, family, an people i need your help to make this come true. Im in desperate need of a stand, that helps me stand up in one spot on my legs so they wont break down to no return, also to purchase a fed bike, that stimulate my legs into pushing the pedals like riding a bike to build my muscles back up.. Please any denoations will be helpful, i ask from the bottom of my heart to please help me make my dream come true an that is to work towards to walk again, as for my insurance wont cover for these major supplies i need at home, thank you for your blessings an thank you for the help an prayers. I love you all god bless.. Edward patterson

The stand up stand to get my legs back to being used to standing up


  • Geneva Ellison
    • $150
    • 9 anos


TheNewera Skrip
Richmond, CA

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