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Single mother of 5 House Burned Down

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Hi, my name is Haley. On the 13 of march 2023, my sisters home burned to the ground. A blanket was too close to a space heater and it quickly caught on fire and spread. She is a single mother of 5. Her and the children are safe but all their pets were trapped inside and they have lost everything they have and everything they loved. The pets lost were 13 rats, a snake, a bearded dragon, 3 cats and my sister best friend and beloved chihuahua. This is the home my mom and dad bought when they got married in 1972. My dad was a carpenter so most of the home was remolded and built by him. They raised me and my 4 siblings there and many of their grandchildren. My sister gave birth to two of her children there….it was home. It was the place our family started and have stayed, it was our safe haven..our homestead. We are beyond heartbroken and things feels so hopeless. We are asking for the kindness of our brothers and sisters of the world to please help my sister raise enough money to bulldoze the house and buy a new doublewide to put in its place. They had no home insurance. We are all below the poverty line, our family has always struggled financially and this house was all we had. I thank you in advance to everyone who finds it in their hearts to help us rebuild not just my sisters home but our lives as this affects our whole family. This home was gifted to my sister by my mother after my dad passed away and my mom moved into something smaller right next door. I want to do everything and anything I can to help my family but I need a little help from you guys too. Any donation, no matter how small, matters and is appreciated. Thank you.


  • Temple Beth Shalom Hickory Jewish Center
    • $250 
    • 1 yr
  • Anónimo
    • $20 
    • 1 yr
  • Anónimo
    • $50 
    • 1 yr
  • Brian Mullin
    • $350 
    • 1 yr
  • Dara Kiel
    • $10 
    • 1 yr


Abigail Beane
Iva, SC

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