Silver Linings Employees
Dear Friends-
Today Anya said goodbye to her beloved caregivers at the after school program she attends twice a week. It was so heartbreaking for her and for them.
Silver Linings only serves seven clients. All people with disabilities similar to Anya. Down Syndrome, autism, blindness. They are all very vulnerable to disease and keeping them safe is everyone's top priority. However, with no one attending there is no way to bill Medicaid to keep paying the staff. These staff people are my heroes. They wipe behinds, snot, and puke. But more importantly they help all the clients be the best they can be. Anya has truly blossomed since she stated attending. Great staff are hard to find, and these are the best.
Our fear is that the program may not survive the Coronavirus shutdown, which would be tragic for both employees and clients. In order to support the staff, several of whom have no other job, Nathan and I are trying to raise $4600 - one month's payroll.
We know these are uncertain times for everyone. Some of you are also facing similar instability. We aren't asking you to do anything. But those of you who are sure of your next paycheck, would you consider helping out these wonderful people? Sponsoring even one hour of work (about $15) will make a difference. Thanks for being the kind of people I can share this need with!