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Sierra Henderson's medical expenses

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My Little Sister

Sierra started out as a young working mom to a very cute 1 year old boy along side her husband enjoying the freedoms that life gives you. 
 Sierra started feeling tingling and numbness on her legs and hand . Four days go by with no signs of it getting better so Sierra went to the hospital where they ran tests but ultimately found no answer. By now she could barely walk, falling frequently. 
 Sierra went to the neurologist and was immediately transferred to the hospital diagnosed with Guillain- Barre, a very rare condition in which the immune system attacks the nerves.
 Sierra is currently on a ventilator to help her breath. She is basically paralyzed due to complete muscle failure. She has a very long road ahead of her. She will be in the hospital for ten or more days. Following discharge she will be transferred to an inpatient intensive rehabilitation facility where she will have to relearn to walk, talk, feed herself and hold her baby. Sierra with not be able to work for months. 
We are asking for prayers for a full recovery and donations if you find it in your heart. This family is amazing. They will be forever grateful with any help and prayers you can offer. 
    Thank you in advance and I will keep updating her progress.
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  • Lisa B.
    • 25 $ 
    • 5 ans
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Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Randi Goen
Fortville, IN
Sierra Goen

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