Mad cat Lady rescuing the souls we forget
Donation protected
Hi, I am Jac, my housemate Rach, and I rescue cats. They have a home and garden that we have fully netted to prevent harm coming to them or wildlife. The fundraising started with Shuri who had just turned 1 year old, (backstory) [she came from a rescue with her sister Nakia, who has a strabismus in her left eye. (Nakia is also longhaired and far bigger than her tiny sister). Shuri had* an incontinence problem and slight drips escaped, which we didn't care about. When she went in to be neutered our very experienced vet could not locate her second ovary. So, given her issue of incontinence, we put it down to a slightly different anatomical anomaly. So, when she came into season, 3 months later, we knew the second ovary existed. Shuri, after consultation was booked in to have a more intrusive surgery to retrieve the second ovary and complete the neutering. This called for a surgeon of different skills, a mid-line incision and exploration, as said elusive ovary might still be in hiding. Fortunately, it wasn't. Our surgeon 'A' did her thing and found and removed it easily. Story over, hell no; the issue that she discovered, Shuri's left kidney was tiny and non-functional, but the Ureta tubes attached to it (the cause of the incontinence) were massively bloated. Our surgeon took an image during the neuter and sent it to a specialist (we have seen this image, and it was scary). The risk was obvious if those tubes burst, it would be an emergency, so after a long discussion with our surgeon 'A', we decided to get ahead of it.
On the 22nd of May 2023, Shuri went in for the second invasive surgery. We were not charged for her second neuter, which I was extremely glad of. But this major operation to remove the kidney and the Ureta tubes attached to it, was £2100.00 we have raised almost £1000 so far, and Shuri most certainly is enjoying life without the incontinence of the peril of bloated Ureta tubes.]
Top Shuri's scar pre-op (they will need to go in that line again) and Shuri weeks after her surgery enjoying life. Below is her sister Nakia.
We have ongoing costs, the food and litter etc. We have covered these costs for the past 21 years, having taken in over twenty cats, and given them a safe, loved life. I will never regret, not having spending money for myself. My furmily deserve everything, they make me whole.
Thank you for your time. Best wishes from my fourteen rescue cats, myself and Rach, the archetypal Mad Cat Ladies.
Our clowder is sadly now only thirteen-strong, we lost our 17-year-old girl on 18th September. All adored and wanting for nothing. We have a dedicated page on FB. Hope you will consider helping us out if you can, with a donation, or by sharing our fundraiser everywhere. Many thanks' Cats 13 and the crazy cat ladies.
Jaclyn Horrod