Unsolved Murder of Seth Rich
My name is Aaron Rich and I am the brother of the Seth Rich who was murdered in Washington DC on July 10th, 2016. His murder remains unsolved to this day.
Seth was an amazing person who only cared about trying to help others and make the world better. He was extremely passionate about his civic duty and making sure everyone had a chance to be heard. My brother made a difference every single day, and I know that now more than ever because of the emotional support we have received from across the country and around the world.
His murder remains a mystery, and despite the hard work of the detectives at the Washington Metropolitan Police Department, we have still been unable to get the answers to the questions surrounding his death. Because of the lack of clear evidence in the case, Seth’s job working for the Democratic National Committee and the caustic political environment we find ourselves in today, many people have used my brother’s murder for their own agendas. Every few weeks another conspiracy theory surfaces, another promise of credible information and another lack of evidence to support the crazy claims being made.
My family has received many offers of assistance in finding Seth’s killers, and we are so grateful for each and every one of them. It gives us hope to know that Seth isn’t forgotten and that his case remains on people’s minds.
One thing that no one tells you, and something we weren’t prepared to hear when we lost Seth, is that if a case isn’t solved immediately, it could take months or years before justice is served. Worse, to keep the investigation active, to seek leads and to follow up on investigations, to make sure that every possible angle is covered—its expensive. My family isn’t wealthy and because we lack the funds or resources to make sure we are doing what we can to aid Washington’s police department, we’ve had to rely on help. Experience has taught us that we need help, and we need help that is free from any ulterior motives or with any strings attached. That’s why, with a heavy heart, I have started this fund.
These funds will allow my family to investigate, and help solve Seth's murder. We know somewhere, someone has the information on who murdered Seth. We intend to use these funds to hire professional help that can discover new facts and information, cooperating with the police and solving this in the fastest way possible. The funds will be used for three purposes:
1) Allow us to raise and maintain public awareness of Seth's unsolved murder through means such as flyers, direct mailings, etc.
2) Allow the family to hire investigative, forensic and analytical services we believe will be useful for discovering new facts and leads in the case.
3) Maintain, and then increase, the reward for information leading to an arrest and conviction at/from it's current level.
These funds will be held in a separate account maintained and administered by the family to ensure full transparency for their use.
We ask for your help in enabling us to help solve Seth's murder, and find the closure we need to move forward in our grieving of our beloved brother and son.
Thank you for your time, support, and sharing of our story.
-Aaron Rich
Brother of Seth Rich