Sequim Public Pickleball Courts
What’s that game with the funny name? It’s pickleball ! Although it’s a great family and multi-generational game, the sport is most popular amongst seniors. Physical limitations often associated with aging may restrict baby boomers from some sports, but this game keeps us physically active whilst being easy on the joints. And the social interaction keeps us totally engaged in life.
There is no better place in Western Washington for an outdoor pickleball complex than under the Blue Hole of Sequim (http://allaboutsequim.com/ ). However, Sequim Picklers currently play on 5 substandard courts, shared with basketball players, and under a temporary arrangement with the school district.
Since March 2015 the Sequim Picklers have pledged almost $50,000 towards construction of a fenced 8-court pickleball complex, but we still need $166,000. Our goal at GoFundMe is to have you match our contribution! Public land has been donated for the courts so all funds raised go directly to construction costs.
Why do baby boomers play doubles pickleball?
So there’s someone who can remember the score!
For all those Girl Scout Cookies, Camp Fire Girl Mints, Summer Camp Funds, Bike Ride and Marathon Walk/Run Per-Mile Pledges, Free Babysitting, this is our request of you!
Donations are tax-deductible. All donors will receive a thank you and charitable contribution receipt. Donors giving $1,000 or more will be recognized at the complex. Donors giving $25,000 will have a court named after them! Come visit Sequim in 2016 and see what you helped build. Thank you for supporting the Sequim Picklers!
Pickle on!