Help send Nate to the West Coast!
Donation protected

Hi! My name is Nathaniel Stephen and I am an 8th grade student at Collegiate school. I am the son of Sharondia Smith, some of you may know her as Rondia. I have an
awesome opportunity to take a fun and educational trip to Yosemite National Park, Lake Tahoe, Kings Canyon National Park and San Francisco with my science teachers and classmates from June 6 - June 13, 2015.
The highlight of this trip for me will be the scheduled visit to Google's campus because I plan to pursue a career as a software developer. In order to make this awesome opportunity a realization for me, I need your help! The cost of the trip is $3,000 which includes all transportation,hotel accomodations, meals,sightseeing and activities.
Thus far, I have privately raised $1,750 through the selling of my videogames, legos, and sports equipment. My mom matched my earnings from the sale to help me achieve this goal. I am only $1,250 shy from financing my trip to the West Coast. With your generous contribution, in any amount, I will be able to make this opportunity a reality. I greatly appreciate your generous contribution and investment in my education.
Sharondia Smith
Richmond, VA