Send this team to the Worlds competition!
Donation protected
After six years of trying this team has made to to the World Finals for this competition. We live in Florida and the rules for fundraising through the school are overly complex, cumbersome, and slow because, you know, ... Florida. So this is the parents making a direct appeal to the public, while still trying to following the fundraising rules.
These kids attend The School Who Shall Not Be Named (their rules, not mine), and they are competing in a creative problem solving competition. If I called it a "Journey of the Intellect" I would be paraphrasing Homer, the Greek guy who wrote The Odyssey, but I don't think he'd Mind (again, rules). They've been trying since the third grade to make it to Worlds and this year, eighth grade, they have done it! It's being held at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa, which is a long way from Central Florida. This might be the last year they are together as next year they are off to various high schools. Please help us make their dream come true!
We are trying to raise $20,000, which will cover airfare, rooms, and food for about 18 people (parents and kiddos) for the week long competition. If we don't make it, every little bit will still help. If we exceed it there are activities for the kids during the week that the additional funding will be put towards.
Please help us put huge smiles on these kids faces as they experience this once in a lifetime opportunity. Thanks!
David McFee
Melbourne, FL