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Sebastian James

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Our beautiful little boy, Sebastian, was born 4/10/2016. He got stuck during delivery and was deprived of oxygen. This caused his heart and breathing to stop. Thank God for the blessed hands that were able to get his heart pumping and his lungs breathing. Due to that lack of oxygen, he was quickly flown to a Bay Area NICU to undergo a cooling protocol to protect his brain from any further injury.

His body temperature has been purposely dropped to below normal and it will be kept that way for a total of 72 hours. After that, they will bring his temperature back to normal over the course of several hours.

We were able to meet all of his Drs this morning. His lab values are returning to normal and his Drs are cautiously optimistic. However, we really won't know anything until after Sebastian's temperature has been brought back to normal.

We are asking for help in any way or amount you can offer, to help cover the cost of accommodations, gas, food and the additional medical expenses. Regardless of your ability to donate, please say a prayer for our baby's health and recovery.
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  • Tobie Reiswig
    • $100
    • 9 yrs
Ilustración de manos que ayudan

Dona $50 para ayudar a esta recaudación de fondos a lograr su objetivo

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Andreanna Mangum
Stockton, CA

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