Selfie intensive care vet bill
Our mare Selfie had her beautiful baby Oops on July 6. We had the vet out that evening for a general check up. All seemed good. The very next day Selfie wasn’t herself, found half the amniotic sack hanging out. Called vet out again, we started treating and flushing her uterus.
Unfortunately, the vets believe it’s best for her to continue treatments at the state vet school In Raleigh. They quoted us 4-6k for treatment. Like most of us that’s a huge amount to just drop. I’m embarrassed to ask but we don’t have many options. We are on a military budget, and just moved across the country with two kids and money is tight already. If you can find it in your heart to donate it would be much appreciated. Oops really need her momma to live, her life depends on it.
If you can’t donate please send positive thoughts and prayers.
Davenport Family