Help for Leon
This is our boy Leon.
We rescued this sweet little man just over a year ago. At first he wouldn’t let us anywhere near him. He would hide, only come out for food in a dark room, and squeeze behind anything he could to keep himself safe.
A year later, it’s like he’s a completely different cat. He’s still easily spooked, and not always sure of people, but he comes to my bedroom for pets first thing in the morning every morning. He likes to lay on our shoulders at night when it’s bed time, and if you catch him in a really good mood he’ll “noodle” on the ground and stretch out for belly rubs.
This cat has been a source of pure joy for us in a year that was...less than wonderful. Watching him grow and learn to accept love has been beautiful...
That said, over the last day he’s become very lethargic, stopped eating altogether, and wouldn’t come out of our closet. It turns out, his bladder is impacted - and the treatment requires a few days of hospitalization.
It’s so hard to think about life without this little guy. He’s only just turned two years old, and is best friends with our other kitty Zelda. The doctor ensured us that he had a chance at a happy life because of how young he is, and so...we said “do it”
...but $3000 isn’t the kind of change that you just walk around with in your bank account.
I don’t know what to do or where to turn, I don’t have any grand expectations that this fund will work, but I’m hoping that maybe, just maybe we can get a bit lucky this time.
We love Leon, and I’ll do anything I can to help him. If you have some spare change, it goes a long way to keeping our little family together.
Thanks for reading, and I hope you all have a wonderful day.