Help Purchase SavingSons(.)com
UPDATE: A sincere thank you to Kirk and each individual who contributed toward this domain acquisition! We have made the needed goal and will be completing the purchase during the week of December 9th. Again, thank you for helping to see that both SavingSons.org and SavingSons.com are secure! It means the world to us to know that so many of you value the work we pour our hearts, resources, and time into for the sake of the next generation of boys and the men they become.
We are on a mission to purchase the SavingSons(.)com domain!
To do so we need to raise [goal complete]!! Please help as you're able, with just a couple dollars, or more, and invite pro-intact friends to do the same, so that this domain is secured forever going into the intact and well-informed future! :)
(1) .com directs people more heavily in Google searches than .org, leading more people to intact information
(2) mistyping .com instead of .org would not make a difference as both would lead expecting families to pro-intact materials
(3) SavingSons(.)com would be secure from being bought out by someone with the intent to misdirect/confuse expecting families with pro-cutting information
(4) the numbers of people Saving Our Sons is able to reach would be even greater = more babies saved from forced genital cutting, more future adults enjoying the intact bodies they were meant to have for a lifetime!
By mail:
Saving Our Sons
PO Box 1302
Virginia Beach, VA 23451
>>>>>> THANK YOU!!! <<<<<<<<<
This domain is owned by a company, is considered "high premium" and valued at $3295. They are reducing the amount to $2700 for Saving Our Sons to purchase. We've been in negotiations with them for over a week to get this down as much as possible. THANK YOU so much for helping to make this happen!