Saving Sally Sue
Okay everyone, asking for a little help here.
Anything is appreciated, even a share.
Everyone who knows me knows this isn’t my first time rescuing a dog. Last time, My husband and I rescued 2 dogs who were dumped on the side of the road on thanksgiving. We paid for everything for the vetting since they had every disease, bug, and flea in the book.
This time though, we have to ask for some help. We spent today trying to rescue a pup that had been dumped like she were trash. Her back leg isn’t functional. Something happened. Vet is saying some type of blunt force.
A lady stopped and tried to help during the rescue, saying she has been trying to capture this dog for days but was unsuccessful since she was by herself. This lady lives close by and said she witnessed someone dump this dog with a little bit of food days ago.
We’ve named her Sally Sue. She’s the cutest little pup, super sweet. She’s severely underweight & is not using her back left leg. She is about 5-6 months old. She will be having surgery soon to repair her completely fractured femur to help give her a chance at a normal life. She has so much life to live.
All donations will be used for Sally Sue’s surgery, medications, and recovery. We will be fostering Sally until she is recovered. We will then be looking for a loving and caring forever home for this special little girl who even after enduring a broken femur, waited for atleast 6 days in the Georgia heat & elements for her owners to come back for her. Dogs are so forgiving. First thing she did once rescued was give us all the kisses in the world. She is forever a special one .
We are located in Hampton, GA.