Saving Dunkin
Donation protected

Update 12/19/2024. Dunkin has experienced the power of the internet. We had a consult with a Nero Vet who reached out to us from the UK. Under their direction we have seen vast improvements. Instead of having daily episodes we are down to 2 this week. The vet is still not 100% on hydrocephalus however we think it may have been from his food. We have reached out to the manufacturer and have sent out lot numbers. Sadly this is a food I have fed for years. If you want more information feel free to PM me on social media. I will not be slandering a major corporation on the internet. We’d still need a MRI for further information and are forever grateful for the help. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas.

Hey guys! Dunkin has had a decent past 2 days. He has had one short lived episode. We are still waiting on Neurology. He has been placed on a special diet that will help reduce pressure on his brain and has started medication for Hydrocephalus. We are hopeful we can raise enough for an MRI so we will know what his life will entail. This will basically tell us if it is actually hydrocephalus or something else. If it is Hydrocephalus it will allow us to know what he’s facing as far as if this can be managed by medication. The alternative would be he’d need brain surgery to have a shunt put in to drain the fluid off of his brain. However the rescue has already decided this is unobtainable. For now our goal is quality and keeping him happy and comfortable. Thank you for your continued support.
Monday morning update: Dunkin had a bit of a rough weekend. Saturday was his best day. He had one small episode lasting 30seconds which gave us hope that the hypoglycemia was a big part of his issues. Sunday showed us that is probably not the case. Dunkin started having an episode of neck arching and crying at 11:30 pm that lasted until 2:00 am. He is completely aware when this is happening. Matter of fact he would eat his Nutrocal (sugar) with his neck in the normal position. As soon as I was done giving him the Nutrocal his head would arch back up. He will try and walk around and get comfortable or will even try to go eat or drink during an episode. He can even have normal BMs during one. His case is truly bizzare. If we give him an anti inflammatory during an episode he returns to normal in about 25/30 minutes. He is going back to the vet. We are waiting on the neurology referral from his current vet through the rescue. At this point and time hydrocephalus is at the very top of the list. We will be discussing if a MRI is obtainable as it is super expensive. Thank you all for your continued support and love.

Dunkin Update: He has spent the day with the rescues veterinary team. The majority of all his lab work has come back normal. His physical exam and Neuro exam they did at the general practice are normal. They suspect a few things. They suspect probable Hypoglycemia issues which I have to monitor and keep karo syrup on hand. We will be monitoring this super closely for a week documenting everything. It is also suspected he has Hydrocephalus (water on the brain).
We will be setting up an appointment with a Neurologist. We don’t know if an MRI will be obtainable as it’s $2100. However there maybe a chance they are comfortable treating symptoms with medication(s). The hard part is without the MRI we won’t know the severity of the condition and if it something he would need surgery for or not. The consult its self is $225.
Thank you to all those that have helped and have made what we have done this far possible. You guys are amazing. ❤️Dunkin and his Foster Family

Saving Dunkin
Dunkin is a 14week old Japanese chin/ Chihuahua/ Mini Aussie mix. He came from a lady who could no longer keep him due to health issues.
He landed with his foster mom and he began having strange symptoms that now have been ruled as some type of Seizure/Neuro disorder/Liver Shunt. Some nights these episodes of neck arching would happen 5/6 times. This has made Dunkin a permanent foster at this time.
The vet wants to do extensive testing starting with lab work that costs $500. This will help rule out a liver shunt or other infections. The next step will be an MRI. This would cost between $2500-5000 to have done. This would rule out any Tumors/ Liver Shunt.
Further testing and cost will include: Ultrasounds
CT scan
Special prescription diet
If a liver shunt is found and is operable costs could be upwards of $12000 for that surgery alone.
Dunkins foster mom is a stay at home mom to a special needs child. Funding is very limited. She has already put in soo much to help this little guy. The rescue is able to help some but are limited do to the high volume of fosters at this time. Any monies leftover will be moved to the rescue helping other Fur kids get the care and love they need.
This time of year is hard for a lot of people. We find it hard to ask for help. However, Dunkin is so worth it. He is a good puppy super sweet and playful and deserves a chance at life. Anything helps and is beyond appreciated.
Savannah Datema
Capitol View, VA