Help us save our mom from cancer!!!
I can't believe I'm posting this today...
I can't believe today is the day.
Please help us save our mom from cancer, she will survive with help! She deserves it.
She was diagnosed Thursday with esophageal cancer, which has a fair survival rate, however, she has severe pancreatitis preventing them from doing any further testing. She's had pancreatitis for 5 weeks, and the hospital she is at can't seem to get a hold on it.
She has worked at this hospital for 24 years, and put her faith in them, however, they are making no progress on her pancreatic illness, and cannot move onto the cancer until that is solved. She needs more help than I believe they can offer right now.
We want to raise cash to make sure there is no lapse in treatment that cannot be covered by insurance. We want to maximize her chance for a successful recovery.
This woman, for those of you who dont know, is probably the best, purest person on the planet. She is college educated, with a masters degree in medical research. She is a college teacher and a research assistant at Hurley Medical Center in Flint. Her reasearch into experiemental and next-level treatments has saved countless lives. She founded GCAN, the Genessee County Asthma Network and Camp Easy Breathers, which teaches children with asthma to manage their asthma under conditions in which their lives could be at risk. She was also a mentor for at-risk inner city children. Before that she worked in Pediatric Critical Care assisting doctors as they saved thousands of children.
And before that, she was my mom, she was our mom. Born into a lower class family, her parents were hard working and honest. At age 18, her mother died of breast cancer. She gave birth to me, her first (and favorite lol) son, Matthew just months later. She worked day and night to provide for me and our family. Five years later, she was married and then gave birth to her second son Tyler.
She worked at times three jobs to provide us with what we needed, and went to school to give herself, and us a better future. She selflessly helped everyone around her, never taking a lazy day, never complaining; always optimistic and caring. If someone needed help, she would find a way to be the one who would never say no. I hated that about her, because she often would find herself overworked, tired, stressed and in debt. But to her it didnt matter as long as she was helping someone but herself. Her glow imprinted my soul forever; when I stop to think of who I am, I am immediately reminded that I am her.
Divorcing 10 years after Tylers birth, losing her home, moving in with family while working day and night, pitching in and pulling all of us out of the devistation, she always stayed optimistic. I knew she cried out of view; so did I. We both hurt. We both cried a lot together, although apart, and without knowing exactly what the other was feeling.
She hoped for a better life, and she hard worked for it.
A few years later she married Mitch, a guy born on the same day as me and someone who is in every sense of the phrase; the love of her life. Their union opening up a new branch to the family tree and introducing me to people i'd die for. Kevin, Conner and Molly. My new family. My new friends. For life.
My mom... She made everyone around her, especially me, a better person. She took care of me and loved me when I was a young brat, and when I was a complicated teenager. She went out in public with me when i was goth and wore makeup and had colored hair; and she was never embarassed for a moment. She made me happy to be alive. She helped me through every tumultous point in my life, and was always there for me, rain, shine, snow or fire.
She taught me to love everything, alive and dead. To respect even the smallest of creatures for they too have families and lives counting on them. That animals were as humans, simply not as evolved in knowledge and intelligence, but superior in every other sense. She brought hope to life.
At 30 years old; I feel completely lost thinking she may not be here much longer. I feel like I am not wise enough to continue in life without her light blazing a trail in front of me and keeping me on the right path. I dont want to imagine, much less be in a world where she isnt part of it.
I am so lost. And I need help; she needs help. I have to save her life. I need your help as well.
On top of the donations received, I am donating up to $70,000 of my own money; I am willing to sell my posessions, take out lines of credit and give up everything I have to save her life. I would honestly give my own if it meant hers would be saved. She's a far better person than I am.
She's the best person i've ever met.
Shes my mom.