A Friend's Service Dog Is In Need!
This is Dr. Indiana Bones. He is the beloved service animal for my friend David Broido. Recently, Dr. Bones was diagnosed with cancer during a routine vet checkup for something totally unrelated.
David is a former U.S. Army combat veteran who is disabled and suffers from PTSD. He is now a special makeup effects artist living in Los Angeles, California. Dr Indiana Bones is not only his service dog but his best friend and partner, and it is hurting David that the doctor, his best friend, is in pain.
I am setting this campaign up to help him out, as David is in no financial position to pay for a major operation, and at this point, after biopsy results, the only possible way to save the doctor's life is an amputation surgery of the entire rear left leg.
Upon finding this information out, to save costs from having it done in L.A., without hesitation, David packed his SUV, and spent the next four days driving Dr. Bones across the country to his hometown outside Philadelphia, where they are both awaiting surgery for Dr. Bones at a well known facility with one of the best board-certified veterinary orthopedic surgeons in the bunch that was able to offer trheir services at a mch more manageable rate.
David's dog goes everywhere with him. Even to cosplay events, in costume together. If you can help please do. Even $5 dollars is awesome. Thanks in advance.
***UPDATE 9/8/17*** Bones is doing well, post surgery. He has adapted incredibly, but due to growing concerns that cancer still may be present at microscopic levels in the body, they are pushing David to go for Chemotherapy, which is why the original goal was raised by a few thousand more dollars. Please help them get there. Thanks!