Help me get my home back!
My husband died in 2017. He didn't have life insurance but he left behind a 212-unit storage company—which his former business partner stole, by submitting fraudulent documents and testimony in court. To make matters worse, a biased judge who has refused to step down presides over the case.
During our 15-year marriage, Butch had several close calls, including a 2007 quadruple bypass; a broken leg that turned into a nearly fatal bone infection; and a diabetic emergency that almost killed him. Every time I nursed him back to health. But on April 17, 2017, no one could save him. Now I'm trying to save his company—and my home.
I am the estate's executrix. On Nov. 21, the West Virginia Supreme Court agreed to hear my appeal (No. 19-1016). I’m a pro se litigant, for reasons I explained at my blog. The cost to fight this battle, both financially and emotionally, has been very high.
I'm an independent author so my income is intermittent. And between this mess and the health problems it has caused me, I haven't been able to promote my books like I used to. I know I can save the estate and my home, if I keep fighting—then I can get my life back.
Meanwhile, I truly need help to keep the lights on, and to buy ink and paper, while I work, to submit what is going to be a mountain of documents to the Supreme Court.
If you can help, I will be forever grateful. And perhaps down the road, I can thank you with a signed copy of one of my books. I’d love to do that!