Save SynthpopMania Festival! - Emergancy Appeal!!
Donation protected
I come to you for help as last resort as I facing a really hard decision:
as many people say it a great line up and many say it a great value for just £25, not as many actually bought ticket in advance. and as things are whether I cancel or keep the event going I going to lose thousands of pounds.
But the reality is that I will lose more keep going and some payment had to be made before the event to make it happened – hotel, transport, ,music equipment & food/drinks for the band(s) has to be paid in less than 10 days so my options are to cancel and refund all the tickets and lose thousands of pounds or come to you and ask for help raising funds.
How did I got here:
the idea of the Synthpop festival started late last year, gather all the great bands to play together for a whole day in a big venue and have an amazing event, as Empathy test were announcing their Europe tour and played my party before, but unfortunately they already booked a UK tour with another promoter so couldn't play the festival.
Other headliners were contacted an and Beborn Beton were booked at the end – A well established band with both well known hits played at Synthpop/ebm parties and great new album that also headlined Infest last year.
In between we sorted out a deal with a venue to allow us to run the event all day long, the first venue didn't like the fact that we mention their name before paying the deposit and suddenly decided to ask for another £1000 on top of the quote they gave me and after I challenged them on that they just cancelled the booking so I had to find a new venue and was forced to change the day from Saturday to Sunday (still a bank holiday), but we lost a one of the support band in the process, sadly
once we had the new venue I had to wait until I have the money to pay the deposit before announcing the new venue which I thought was one of the reasons people waiting with buying a ticket, later I thought once the headliner would be announce the sales will flow and as this didn't happened I was told by some of the people that they are waiting for payday and that they don't have much money to spend, so I decided to take a bigger risk and reduce the price from £40 to only £25, but unfortunately we managed to sell some one tickets but not nearly enough to cover costs
But you're the promoter – it's your job to promote and to take the risk, you say...
Yes, and the event has been promoted constantly
Myself, Matt Hart & other band's members were flyering gig's queues and exits from massive O2 gigs like OMD to Empathey Test & Mash at the Garage, Resistanz festival & other gigs.
Uncounted post we posted on social media by all of us and paid ads running constantly
posters were put up around town and flyers left in coffee shops, pubs and record stores
the truth is that the market is at breaking point, Flag promotion had to cancelled a few gigs because of low advance sales, infest are questioning the continuation on the festival if sales won't improve and there are too many options of gigs and events as everybody trying to give more to make the crowd come out as just putting on a good night is not enough, the night before the festival there are at east 3 good big events happening just of the top of my head, and people can afford them all.
Some mistake happened, the festival could really use more time to be promoted and allow people from out of London to book travel and accommodation in reasonable prices, sadly those people can't come to the event now and we're missing their support.
So now I face the impossible decision
if we mange to at least get some funds to pay for the expanses needed next week, I can try and run the festival and hope I managed to sell some more tickets at the door and cover loses and at least everyone will have a great day.
If not I would be force to cancel...
- if you planning on coming grab a ticket here for £26.50 (don't forget t leave your name)
- not sure you can support with a tenner and when you get a ticket we can take it off the price £10-£15 (and don't forget to leave your name)
- or even just support if you can't come with as little as “buy me a coffee” £3 worth (every little helps)
- any amount for £1 to £1000 - even if you live in Alaska...
This has been a very hard and emotional appeal for me but after many night of worrying I feel I have no other choice
Thanks for reading and please share even if you can't give

Shai Rothfeld