Save Garden of Love Pet Cemetery
Tragically our German Shepherd Rex was called home after a valiant fight with lymphoma the funeral home took Rex to the cemetery where we met a very sweet 92 yr old and her son they gave us time to say our final I love you and to hold told him for a moment longer. When the time came I stood there in disbelief and the owner came over to me and hugged me while I cried they showed extrodinary compassion in the rain and cold for my family. Over the last years they are not able to do as much understandably and it shows we must uncover and locate graves that have sunk, replace broken stones and crosses, remove branches and trim trees, countless loads of debris will need to be removed with dump fees per load . The unsightly trailer must be removed and lighting for the new enterance sign must be replaced and countless stones need to be reset. I secured the assistance of a landscaper from KY, to begin the long stressful, and back breaking, work to get this cemetary back on its feet and a place where I am proud for our family members to rest. He loves animals and understands why this is such an important place and what it means to bring it back to life. The owners bought the land in 41 stared the cemetery in 74 with such love for animals it brought them closer to the community to I think it should continue to be a place where love and compassion for animals is shown.
I do not have the slightest idea where to begin this process and when I told the Landscaper that he suggested since this is going to be a significant cost upfront as well as continued monthly maintenece that I start this page to assist with the equiptment required, fuel, labor, lights, signs, etc. I went to get him lunch at Panera because he likes that place and it would be better for him in ths heat I sat next to two amazing women who I told this story to and they agreed we should tell people this story and if people donate even a dollar that will be such a significant help. We left this part for the end because I was not sure about telling it for fear of anti police sentiment and worrying about destruction but it should be told. In the pictures you see a huge stone that is severly sunk that is the resting place of a hero named KING he is a police officer for the city of Clarksville TN, he was savagely murdered in 1978 just before his fourth birthday you can see him on the officer down page. I contacted the SGT. and asked if the FOP would cover the cost of resetting KING's stone but so far he has not had much luck either and this stone is almost 4x4 it is massive and only a proffessional can do the work needed which will be a significant cost which I will pay because hell will freeze over before we let our HERO's stone sit that way. It took us two hours to dig the stone out it was almost completely covered. We were not prepared to assume these costs our Rex's headstone is not even here yet and anyone with critical and terminal pets knows how fast and how big and how relentless the bills are but this work must be done. We realize how tight money gets so we appreciate everyone who read this and looked at the pictures and if you say a huge prayer for us that would be the greatest gift imaginable. If anyone would like to donate thank you in advance as we progress we will show you pictures I want this to be a part of a community of people near and far who love animals. If my police department, and my 911 operators, are reading this WE LOVE YOU!
Thank you have a good day and hug the furry kids from us.
Traci & Dillin Cool