Save EcoVivarium and Their Animals!
EcoVivarium has 300 rescued animals that need YOUR help! Our electric bill has more than doubled recently, and we need over $10,000 to cover this month's bill. Our power will be shut off if we cannot meet this demand.
Over the years, we have rescued thousands of animals and provided them with the necessary care they need to thrive. With these animals, we enrich the lives of children in disadvantaged communities. We work to help improve the people and animals lives that live in our community. Please consider giving to help keep EcoVivarium alive!
More information about EcoVivarium: EcoVivarium is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit living museum utilizing reptiles, amphibians, & arthropods as Animal Ambassadors. We offer visitors the opportunity to be up close and hands-on with the Ambassadors as we teach about their impact on history, cultures, science, technology, art & the world around us. Our Ambassadors have been rehabilitated & trained by our staff to serve to encourage excellence in educational endeavors & to share the message of the importance of good stewardship of our planet.
EcoVivarium EcoVivarium
Escondido, CA