Safety Fund for IPV Survivors
Tax deductible
**** FREEFROM RELEASES NATIONAL REPORT ABOUT OUR SAFETY FUND: As part of the application to receive this grant, we offered folks a space to tell us more about how they were doing financially. We heard directly from survivors about their financial health, the financial cost of experiencing abuse, what their needs are right now – including how much cash they need to stay safe – and how our society can best support them through the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. We are excited to release these findings in a report entitled: Survivors Know Best : How to Disrupt Intimate Partner Violence During COVID-19 and Beyond.
"After a particularly brutal beating, I finally fled my abuser and moved into a temporary emergency domestic violence shelter. I didn't have any financial resources. I applied for the FreeFrom COVID-19 grant, and the cash enabled me to open a bank account and buy "work clothes." I recently got a new job, and my goal is to save up enough money to get an apartment and buy a car. The cash grant gave me the opportunity to be financially independent and leave an abusive situation."
Within 4 months of starting this fundraiser, we have raised and disbursed over $266,000 in $250 grants to 1,100 survivors. The application remains open, and we are currently raising funds to support the 300+ survivors on our waitlist and to continue to provide grants to all survivors who apply.
Please continue to donate and share when you can. We are so grateful for your support. ****
Domestic violence is a societal problem for which we all have collective responsibility. We must come together as a community to minimize the danger and harm that it causes. Domestic violence incidents are skyrocketing as a result of COVID-19 and the increased isolation that it has caused. This pandemic has illuminated the lack of infrastructure that we have in the U.S. to support survivors' financial security and long-term safety. FreeFrom is working harder than ever to support survivors and address this systemic issue and we would be so grateful for your help.
All the money raised through this campaign will be used to support as many survivors as we can with $250 grants. Survivors who get these grants are at risk either because they are living with a harm-doer or because they are struggling to make ends meet and may have to return to someone who is harming them. They will be able to use these emergency cash grants to pay for their basic needs - food, rent, medicine, etc. In addition, FreeFrom will support these individuals with optional financial coaching and peer support.
FreeFrom believes in the creativity, resourcefulness and power that each survivor has to achieve financial independence, and to build communities that support individual, intergenerational and collective healing. Rapid response in times of crisis is one important and urgent way to ensure survivors can heal and thrive long-term. Find out more about what FreeFrom is doing to build financial wellness and community with and for survivors.

"After a particularly brutal beating, I finally fled my abuser and moved into a temporary emergency domestic violence shelter. I didn't have any financial resources. I applied for the FreeFrom COVID-19 grant, and the cash enabled me to open a bank account and buy "work clothes." I recently got a new job, and my goal is to save up enough money to get an apartment and buy a car. The cash grant gave me the opportunity to be financially independent and leave an abusive situation."
Within 4 months of starting this fundraiser, we have raised and disbursed over $266,000 in $250 grants to 1,100 survivors. The application remains open, and we are currently raising funds to support the 300+ survivors on our waitlist and to continue to provide grants to all survivors who apply.
Please continue to donate and share when you can. We are so grateful for your support. ****
Domestic violence is a societal problem for which we all have collective responsibility. We must come together as a community to minimize the danger and harm that it causes. Domestic violence incidents are skyrocketing as a result of COVID-19 and the increased isolation that it has caused. This pandemic has illuminated the lack of infrastructure that we have in the U.S. to support survivors' financial security and long-term safety. FreeFrom is working harder than ever to support survivors and address this systemic issue and we would be so grateful for your help.
All the money raised through this campaign will be used to support as many survivors as we can with $250 grants. Survivors who get these grants are at risk either because they are living with a harm-doer or because they are struggling to make ends meet and may have to return to someone who is harming them. They will be able to use these emergency cash grants to pay for their basic needs - food, rent, medicine, etc. In addition, FreeFrom will support these individuals with optional financial coaching and peer support.
FreeFrom believes in the creativity, resourcefulness and power that each survivor has to achieve financial independence, and to build communities that support individual, intergenerational and collective healing. Rapid response in times of crisis is one important and urgent way to ensure survivors can heal and thrive long-term. Find out more about what FreeFrom is doing to build financial wellness and community with and for survivors.

Fundraising team: FreeFrom (3)
Sonya Passi
Los Angeles, CA
SCP Team
Team member
Jennifer Justice
Team member