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Safe Haven for the Bruce Family

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Dear friends,
You know our story. You know how we’ve lost everything. Expenses are mounting. We urgently need a safe place to live, customized to our health requirements. We are building it ourselves, but the costs are high due to specialty mold-safe materials.

This is a humbling place to be: dependent on God and others. But it’s also exactly the right place to be. Each one of us is dependent on God to hold each cell of our bodies together, for the air we breathe and the food we eat and the joy of living. It’s easy to take this reality for granted until the abundance is stripped away and we cannot survive without his special intervention each day.

We know that God will provide for our needs. We are asking for financial help because we know so many of our friends have wanted to help but the unique circumstances make most other offers unworkable. We are grateful for all the help we have received on our biotoxin illnesses journey so far, from rides and places to stay to thoughtful support for our kids.

We are also asking so that our friends can share in our thankfulness to God as he meets our needs and that the glory to God might be multiplied.

Follow our progress at  our blog, A Series of Decontaminate Events .

Thank you for sharing our burdens.

With the love of Christ,
The Bruce Family

2 Corinthians 1:10-11
He delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will deliver us again. You also must help us by prayer, so that many will give thanks on our behalf for the blessing granted us through the prayers of many.

Our Story
Amber Bruce, mother of Asher, Reuben, Reagan and Autumn, and wife to Joe, was housebound with a debilitating multi-system illness from September 2015 to April 2016 when we discovered the cause: mycotoxins created by molds in our home had been slowly poisoning her for years. The children had also begun showing signs of biotoxin illness, having frequent bouts of nausea, fever, bloody noses and muscle aches.

After leaving our moldy home in May 2017, Amber's health dramatically improved so that she is now able to resume exercising and her normal daily activities. The children's health has also improved. ... As long as we all avoid mycotoxins, especially toxins from Stachybotris.

Unfortunately, mold is nearly everywhere, and in nearly every home. After an encounter with mycotoxins, our entire family has to decontaminate by showering and laundering our clothes. This can happen after hugging a friend, entering a moldy building, picking up contaminated objects, or going into a contaminated area of a store. Avoiding toxins was fairly easy while we were camping during the summer, but finding a safe haven for the winter and longer is a challenging, multi-stage journey.

The journey began with leaving our home and camping for the summer. Now we are staying with friends in the one house that hasn't pushed them back into illness.

The next steps in our journey to a safe haven are purchasing a truck and remodeling an older Airstream trailer to be mold-resistant and to fit our family. Our plan is to live in this trailer while we camp next summer and save up to build a mold-resistant home on a property we hope to purchase in the Tri-Cities area.

Mold avoidance is an expensive endeavor. We had an emergency fund, which paid for the purchase of all new, uncontaminated clothes and camping supplies when we had to get rid of all our possessions. Doctor bills, detox supplies, and special dietary needs add to daily expenses. Our hope is to use the sale of the home we remediated to fund the future property purchase.

But for the next few steps on our journey to a safe haven, our family needs your help. Please consider donating. 

Our needs
The following is an estimate of the costs for outfitting a winter apartment to be mold-resistant, and for a truck, trailer, and a mold-resistant trailer remodel:

Trailer - $5,000
Trailer remodel - $20,000
Truck - $30,000

Other ways to help
If you are able to help with tools, know-how or elbow grease, let us know and we’ll put you on a mailing list to share specific needs. Follow our progress at A Series of Decontaminate Events.
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    • $200 
    • 6 yrs
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Amber Bruce
Richland, WA

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