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Rct. Rudd MCRD Graduation 2/12/16

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My oldest son, 18, made an admirable decision to join the Marine Corps. This has been his dream since he was four years old and I, of course, am a super proud mom!
My recruit graduates boot camp in San Diego, February 12th and it would mean so much to him if his siblings and I could be there to see that.
I am a single mom with three children at home. It's too expensive to fly all four of us from OKC to SD, so the plan will be to do it by "road trip"! It still will not be a cheap trip, by all means, and I need all of the help I can get. Please pray about how you and yours can help make this trip possible for me and my little family. Any financial gift, no matter how small or large, will be incredibly appreciated. No funds from this will be used for anything other than trip expenses, rest assured. If we were to be blessed enough through this to actually have funds left over, I would graciously donate the remainder to another family in Bravo Company that is in need of help with funding their trip as well. God bless your kindness and please continue to pray for our military men, women, families, their sacrifices and our Nation.

Je contribue


  • Erin Bokemper
    • $25 
    • 8 yrs
Je contribue


Brandy Rudd
Blanchard, OK

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