In the wake of last nights fire in abasand, I have set upa go-fund me account for all the families in one spot here. I am currently unaware of the demographics, but given there are at least 4 homes destroyed and others damaged, I will be collecting on here and at the radio station for the families. Think if this was your house that was lost, please feel free to donate.
** update **
Hi there. I raised an amazing amount of money using your site for a current fund raiser and I need that money to be released ASAP!!
You asked for these questions to be answered.
1. Who you are My name is Peter Potipcoe Ima morning show radio host in Fort McMurray Alberta at Country 93.3
2. Where you're from Fort McMurray Alberta Canada
3. Your relationship to the parties you're raising funds for
I'm the local radio host we had fires tear through our city and we raised money for those families (News link here http://www.660news.com/2015/04/14/fort-mcmurray-radio-station-fundraiser-raises-over-25k-for-fire-victims/
4. How the funds will be spent (be specific as possible) They will be dived amongst the families that lost everything.