Surgery for Logan
Tax deductible
If you are thinking about making a donation, check with your employer. Some employers will match donations made to a 501(c)3 nonprofit, which we are. Thank you!!
We have GREAT NEWS! We raised the $15,000 in GoFundMe donations to receive the matching donation! Thank you to Mike and to everyone who donated. This is such great news and brings Logan so close to his goal. Thank you again to everyone for all of your support. #loganstrong #growlogan
We recieved some wonderful news.
We have an amazing donor who is willing to match everyone's donations up to $15,000 from now until March 25th. So, for 50 days, any donation we take in for Logan will be matched. Come on team Logan, let's do this! Let's get Logan back to Colorado in April for his heart surgery!
#loganstrong #growlogan
Explanation for raised go fund me goal
We hit a roadblock with the first surgery but we are working with the doctors and staff at CSU to plan for Logan's future which includes a healthcare plan and a financial plan. There is no question that Logan's medical care has been complicated and expensive and without the kindness and donations from all of you would not be possible. We will be spending the next three months watching Logan's growth, heart and health closely. We will also need to continue to raise money for the open heart surgery which will require 14 days in the hospital, several of them in intensive care and the money for Logan's transportstion to get back to CSU. Due to the sensitive issues with his heart driving is not a transportation option and riding in Cargo on a plane is not an option either. A chartered flight is the safest way we have found for Logan to travel safely with his foster mom. This is costly with this last flight costing $23,000. His open heart surgery which will include the repair to his pulmonary valve and his tri cuspid valve replacement is expected to cost $21,000 if everything goes well.
Here is the breakdown (** Please see update of 2-5-2019)
$21,000 for open heart surgery
$23,000 for transportation (unless we can find another safe transportation plan for Logan & foster mom)
$1000.00 for 2 EKGs
$300 for 3 Vet appointments
Total $45,300
** $4000. First surgery PAID w/go fund me funds
$5000. Transportation PAID w/go fund me funds
$1000. Hotel & car rental PAID w/go fund me funds
$500. Echocardiogram PAID w/go fund me funds
** $10,500 Total paid expenses from the go fund me funds to date
$9,500 remaining in go fund me funds after above expenses are paid.
This leaves a remaining amount of $33,500 still to be raised in 3 months before Logan's next surgery.
The Go Fund Me amount has been raised an additional $35,500 to meet the new goal
Please Note: Go Fund Me does not subtract funds that have already been used. It only shows money raised so it will appear that no money has been used and that the new goal is $60.000. But in reality the new goal amount is $35,500 which includes $9,500 already raised and not yet spent.
We hope this clarifies and clears up any questions you may have regarding the increase. Also please feel free to email or message us with any questions. [email redacted]
#loganstrong #growlogan
We can't thank everyone enough for all of your support. We are overwhelmed by all of the love for Logan. We have raised the fundraising goal amount as we recently learned that Logan will be making two trips to Colorado. He will require two surgeries, one now and one after he has grown a bit. This means two transport trips, two to 4 more EKG's, double the follow up appointments and the aftercare. This will double the cost of surgery, care, and needs. Please know that any funds raised beyond what Logan will need for his care will be set aside to help any future dogs with medical needs as we take in many medically needy dogs. Thank you again for your support.
Facebook friends and supporters. Thanks to all of you, all of your sharing all of your caring, for all of your referrals to doctors you thought might be able to help. For your good vibes, your prayers, your hugs, well wishes and virtual hugs our wish has come true for Logan! We were referred to Dr. Scansen and Dr Horton at Colorado State university in Fort Collins Colorado. Dr Scansen reached out to us after one of his former clients Adam Brotman told him about Logan. We sent him Logans records and they reviewed his EKG. We got word today from Dr Scansen that he believes he can do surgery on Logan to repair his heart!!! Because time is of the essence Dr Scansen set a date for an appointment next Wed and Surgery the following day. This is the best news we could have ever asked for but we were hit with the reality of needing to raise the funds for the $4000 surgery, transportation and lodging during recuperation in a very short amount of time and tonight we were hit with another hurdle. Logan can not ride in Cargo on a plane due to his health issues and according to every airline we contacted he is too big to ride with a passenger on the plane. We were so close but are now at a standstill. Please help us raise the funds for Logans heart surgery.
We also need some ideas or help to safely transport Logan to Colorado State University.
Come on team we are so close to helping Logan get the life he so deserves.
Thank you again for being the best supporters a dog could ever ask for.
We have GREAT NEWS! We raised the $15,000 in GoFundMe donations to receive the matching donation! Thank you to Mike and to everyone who donated. This is such great news and brings Logan so close to his goal. Thank you again to everyone for all of your support. #loganstrong #growlogan
We recieved some wonderful news.
We have an amazing donor who is willing to match everyone's donations up to $15,000 from now until March 25th. So, for 50 days, any donation we take in for Logan will be matched. Come on team Logan, let's do this! Let's get Logan back to Colorado in April for his heart surgery!
#loganstrong #growlogan
Explanation for raised go fund me goal
We hit a roadblock with the first surgery but we are working with the doctors and staff at CSU to plan for Logan's future which includes a healthcare plan and a financial plan. There is no question that Logan's medical care has been complicated and expensive and without the kindness and donations from all of you would not be possible. We will be spending the next three months watching Logan's growth, heart and health closely. We will also need to continue to raise money for the open heart surgery which will require 14 days in the hospital, several of them in intensive care and the money for Logan's transportstion to get back to CSU. Due to the sensitive issues with his heart driving is not a transportation option and riding in Cargo on a plane is not an option either. A chartered flight is the safest way we have found for Logan to travel safely with his foster mom. This is costly with this last flight costing $23,000. His open heart surgery which will include the repair to his pulmonary valve and his tri cuspid valve replacement is expected to cost $21,000 if everything goes well.
Here is the breakdown (** Please see update of 2-5-2019)
$21,000 for open heart surgery
$23,000 for transportation (unless we can find another safe transportation plan for Logan & foster mom)
$1000.00 for 2 EKGs
$300 for 3 Vet appointments
Total $45,300
** $4000. First surgery PAID w/go fund me funds
$5000. Transportation PAID w/go fund me funds
$1000. Hotel & car rental PAID w/go fund me funds
$500. Echocardiogram PAID w/go fund me funds
** $10,500 Total paid expenses from the go fund me funds to date
$9,500 remaining in go fund me funds after above expenses are paid.
This leaves a remaining amount of $33,500 still to be raised in 3 months before Logan's next surgery.
The Go Fund Me amount has been raised an additional $35,500 to meet the new goal
Please Note: Go Fund Me does not subtract funds that have already been used. It only shows money raised so it will appear that no money has been used and that the new goal is $60.000. But in reality the new goal amount is $35,500 which includes $9,500 already raised and not yet spent.
We hope this clarifies and clears up any questions you may have regarding the increase. Also please feel free to email or message us with any questions. [email redacted]
#loganstrong #growlogan
We can't thank everyone enough for all of your support. We are overwhelmed by all of the love for Logan. We have raised the fundraising goal amount as we recently learned that Logan will be making two trips to Colorado. He will require two surgeries, one now and one after he has grown a bit. This means two transport trips, two to 4 more EKG's, double the follow up appointments and the aftercare. This will double the cost of surgery, care, and needs. Please know that any funds raised beyond what Logan will need for his care will be set aside to help any future dogs with medical needs as we take in many medically needy dogs. Thank you again for your support.
Facebook friends and supporters. Thanks to all of you, all of your sharing all of your caring, for all of your referrals to doctors you thought might be able to help. For your good vibes, your prayers, your hugs, well wishes and virtual hugs our wish has come true for Logan! We were referred to Dr. Scansen and Dr Horton at Colorado State university in Fort Collins Colorado. Dr Scansen reached out to us after one of his former clients Adam Brotman told him about Logan. We sent him Logans records and they reviewed his EKG. We got word today from Dr Scansen that he believes he can do surgery on Logan to repair his heart!!! Because time is of the essence Dr Scansen set a date for an appointment next Wed and Surgery the following day. This is the best news we could have ever asked for but we were hit with the reality of needing to raise the funds for the $4000 surgery, transportation and lodging during recuperation in a very short amount of time and tonight we were hit with another hurdle. Logan can not ride in Cargo on a plane due to his health issues and according to every airline we contacted he is too big to ride with a passenger on the plane. We were so close but are now at a standstill. Please help us raise the funds for Logans heart surgery.
We also need some ideas or help to safely transport Logan to Colorado State University.
Come on team we are so close to helping Logan get the life he so deserves.
Thank you again for being the best supporters a dog could ever ask for.
Bekki Dodd
Ferndale, WA
Rescued Hearts Northwest