For those of you that don't know what is going on with my younger sister Alani, she recently checked herself into the emergency room for a routine "tuneup" , and then it went downhill. Her oxygen dropped to 76 percent and her lips were completely purple. She was breathing so fast that she couldn’t sit still. She was sent directly to the ICU where they put her on a high flow of oxygen (15%, which is extremely high) she was down there for a few days and she started to show signs of progress so they sent her to the regular pediatric floor. Less than 24 hours later, she started panting and couldn’t catch her breath at all. She was shaking and freaking out really bad. She was breathing so hard that the pediatric response team had to come to her room. That was a red flag that something was seriously wrong. She was sent down to the ICU that second and they had to sedate her and insert a breathing and feeding tube in her. She was in a coma for about a week and a half. While in this coma, the doctors negligence caused her organs to drown due to too much fluid in her. She puffed up so bad that it was hard to even recognize her. Also, the medicine they had her on ended up bruising her kidneys and causing them to start shutting down. She had to be on dialysis for three weeks. She is just now able to pee again. She got the tube out but had to be put on BIPAP( air compressor) and high flow oxygen again. We are on week four of her fight. She is very weak and fragile. But yet very strong. This has been quite a struggle for our family to make sure that we could be with our sister 24/7 to make sure she is getting the care she needs. We have missed more work than our finances can allow which is why we are trying to reach this goal of $3,000 to cover what we have lost and to help Alani get back to school once she is back up and running like Lani Lou again! Any little thing would be appreciated and we would be forever grateful <3