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Roodie’s Foodie’s Giveback Project

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Welcome! We present to you our project aimed at helping the Dallas community: the Roodie’s Foodie’s Giveback Project! 

Roodie’s Foodies began through our love of food and our passion for supporting the small businesses in the Dallas area. During the last three months our Dallas community has been, like most communities, severely impacted by Covid-19. Some of us lost our jobs while other small businesses have had to close their doors.

With our Giveback Program, our goal is to support the Dallas community with food, books and essential items.  Food is what brought Roodie’s Foodies together, and so we believe it is food that should be the start to our project. There are two aspects of our project we could use your help with.

Giveback Grub

Part one of our giveback project was launched June 15th, 2020 with a small business that has supported the Dallas Small Business Community before COVID-19 impacted our area: Lakeside Cleaners. This part of the project consists of donating either lunch or dinner to families and staff of a local small business that could use a lending hand and at the same time highlight the business and its services. 

Currently, every other Monday we are providing meals to families and staff of local businesses. We are hoping to continue this by asking our friends and followers on social media for nominations of local businesses who could use a little extra help. We know that a lot of small businesses were hit hard by the COVID pandemic and so this our way of helping the Dallas Small Business Community.

Giveback Box

Part two of our giveback project is the Roodie’s Foodie’s Giveback Box. We will create donation centers, or “boxes” that resemble that of a mailbox, where books and essential items ( shampoo, body wash, hand sanitizer, deodorant, etc) will be available to anyone in need of these items. Our goal with our Giveback Boxes is to have essential items be available to those in need. 

These boxes will be placed in neighborhoods throughout Dallas. The Giveback Box will be placed on properties hosted by “Tenants,” which will consist of residential and commercial properties. We will work with our “Tenants”, so the Giveback Boxes stay stocked and kept up with, so the cause stays strong. 

We know that we are STRONGER TOGETHER and we can get through these uncertain times as a commUNITY. 

How can you help?

* Nominate a local small business that could benefit from a free meal. 
* Become one of our Tenants where we can place a GiveBack Box.
* Share our cause on your social media accounts to spread the word. 
* Donate to our project

****Donations will be used to pay for materials and labor to build our Giveback Boxes, as well as cover costs of the essential items and books we plan to provide in our boxes. Any funds left over will  be used to buy food for the businesses you nominate to have lunch/dinner provided for. ****

Along with your donations, Roodie’s Shack will also be donating 10% of their profits to provide funds to help our cause move along!

We are extremely excited to see our project impact the community! Your help right now will help us achieve that and benefit those that have been negatively impacted by the pandemic. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for your time and support.

- Roodie’s Foodies



  • andrea pedraza
    • $150
    • 3 yrs
  • Roodie's Shack
    • $120
    • 3 yrs
  • Anónimo
    • $100
    • 3 yrs
  • Roodie’s Shack
    • $180
    • 3 yrs
  • Roodie’s Shack
    • $179
    • 3 yrs

Equipo de recaudación de fondos: Roodie’s Foodies (4)

Roodie’s Foodies
Dallas, TX
Liliana Clayton
Team member
Roanna Delos Santos
Team member
Yisha Zhao
Team member

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