Rojo's Llegacy Llives On
Tax deductible
Rojo the Llama has become a legacy in the Portland, OR/Vancouver, WA community. Rojo has served his community for a llamazing 12 years a therapy animal, visiting over 1,500 adult care centers, special-needs groups, and schools of all kinds,
Sadly, just before his planned celebration of the hard work he has done and preparing for life in "retirement," Rojo began showing signs of fallen health. With optimism seeing him continue to eat and growing in spirit, the old man made to to his own party. Maybe it was then that he felt all was right in the world, because just a few days later, he began not wanting food and starting to show severe signs of health issues.
After being taken down to Oregon State University's vet care, it was considered that Rojo may have hereditary defects, or even cancer, causing his body to begin breaking down so quickly. It was determined it would be in Rojo's best interest to keep him comfortable until his llama mama, Lori, could come down and be with him when he crossed the carrot rainbow.
Now this is where we could really use your help:
Rojo has visited the Washington State School for the Blind for the last 6, 7, 8 years? Maybe even longer? The school has an incredible safari room filled with other animals and they would love to make Rojo front and center!! Ever since Lori and her daughter, Shannon, learned about this room they had joked what a magical thing it would be to have Rojo included when this doomed day came AND THE SCHOOL IS ON BOARD!!
Lori found a Vancouver taxidermist who can have Rojo ready by early summer 2020. But taxidermy and Rojo's final vet bills really add up. If you feel so inclined, please consider helping us continue to pass on Rojo's legacy with your financial support. Even just sharing this page on your social media channel is wildly helpful!
All other funds that might exceed these will go back to our Non-Profit as we work towards opening the farm in 2020 to offer private therapy and educational visits along with public open-house days to introduce the rest of our herd to the community.
Thank you for all your support, kindness, and for lloving Rojo so much! We feel so honored Rojo was our sweet boy and that we got to share so many years with such a magical animal.
Llots of llove,
Shannon & Lori
Sadly, just before his planned celebration of the hard work he has done and preparing for life in "retirement," Rojo began showing signs of fallen health. With optimism seeing him continue to eat and growing in spirit, the old man made to to his own party. Maybe it was then that he felt all was right in the world, because just a few days later, he began not wanting food and starting to show severe signs of health issues.
After being taken down to Oregon State University's vet care, it was considered that Rojo may have hereditary defects, or even cancer, causing his body to begin breaking down so quickly. It was determined it would be in Rojo's best interest to keep him comfortable until his llama mama, Lori, could come down and be with him when he crossed the carrot rainbow.
Now this is where we could really use your help:
Rojo has visited the Washington State School for the Blind for the last 6, 7, 8 years? Maybe even longer? The school has an incredible safari room filled with other animals and they would love to make Rojo front and center!! Ever since Lori and her daughter, Shannon, learned about this room they had joked what a magical thing it would be to have Rojo included when this doomed day came AND THE SCHOOL IS ON BOARD!!
Lori found a Vancouver taxidermist who can have Rojo ready by early summer 2020. But taxidermy and Rojo's final vet bills really add up. If you feel so inclined, please consider helping us continue to pass on Rojo's legacy with your financial support. Even just sharing this page on your social media channel is wildly helpful!
All other funds that might exceed these will go back to our Non-Profit as we work towards opening the farm in 2020 to offer private therapy and educational visits along with public open-house days to introduce the rest of our herd to the community.
Thank you for all your support, kindness, and for lloving Rojo so much! We feel so honored Rojo was our sweet boy and that we got to share so many years with such a magical animal.
Llots of llove,
Shannon & Lori
Fundraising team: Team Rojo (2)
Lori Gregory
Ridgefield, WA
Mtn Peaks Therapy Llamas & Alpacas
Lori Gregory
Team member