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Rodney Stafford to Ottawa to fight for Justice!

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The money being raised is to get Tori Stafford's Father, RODNEY STAFFORD to OTTAWA to peacefully protest and create awareness about our Justice System and fix how it works.
Rodney Stafford has been doing a lot of work quietly towards justice for his daughter, Tori who was murdered almost 10 years ago. All the while he has done so with all of his own funds. Many trips, lots of gas, lodging, food, and time off work adds up to a LOT OF MONEY. To be able to allow Tori Stafford's Father to concentrate on Advocating for Justice within the Canadian Justice System and not have to worry about transportation costs and many other little costs that add up to a good deal of money, some friends and supporters would like to help with some of the burden he lives with daily since his child was murdered. The protest is being held on the 10 year anniversary of Tori's murder.


The objective of this protest is to promote change within Canada's Judicial & Corrections systems in a non-partisan manner. The outrageous miscarriages of Justice against victims in Canada cannot continue!
Our mission with this protest will be to continue to push the Canadian Government to make the much needed changes to the CSC (Corrections Services Canada) policies & procedures, And also to have Michael Rafferty, Terri-Lynn McClintic and numerous other dangerous criminals returned to Maximum Security Prison where they rightfully belong for LIFE.
First and Foremost we want to ensure that when a Judge says "Life with No Parole" that it actually means a minimum mandatory Life Sentence of 25yrs before parole and the CSC is MANDATED to carry out that sentence. As well as to keep victims properly informed along the way.
Anyone who takes the life of an innocent child, a disabled, vulnerable handicapped or elderly person that is given a Life sentence should remain in secure maximum prison for Life! No Leniencies, No Lowered Security, No Day Passes, No cushy living arrangements, No Special Privileges, No Freedoms!


Tori Stafford Details in case you have forgot or for you to become aware of her story as printed on WIKIPEDIA:

Victoria Elizabeth Marie "Tori" Stafford (July 15, 2000 – April 8, 2009) was a Canadian girl who was abducted from Woodstock, Ontario, on April 8, 2009, raped, tortured and murdered. Her body was found on July 19 in a wooded area in rural Ontario, positively identified in a news conference held on July 21. Her disappearance and the subsequent investigation and search were the subject of massive media coverage across Canada.[2]

The police response to the situation as it developed and their failure to announce an Amber Alert has been criticized by the public, and has recently been the focus of a review of the Amber Alert system in Canada. The circumstances of her death were unknown to the public until a publication ban was lifted in December 2010.


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    • $20
    • 5 yrs

Spendenteam: Fundraising Team for Justice for TORI (2)

Bree McLaughlin
Hamilton, ON
Petrina Fraser
Team member

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