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Hi, my name is Andrea Cawthon. I'm raising money for my dear friends, Robb and Kathy Farmer.
Robb desperately needs a liver transplant. And, his Medicaid was terminated due to a raise in his SS disability. Yeah, you read that right.
I met Robb at the Salvation Army store in Sitka, Alaska, in 2014. I saw this random guy wearing a University of Louisville (Kentucky) jacket. I, being from Louisville, KY myself, thought this was rather cool. Odd too, because well, what are the chances of seeing someone from your hometown 3500 miles away in a Salvation Army store on a tiny island in Alaska? So, I yell "Go Cards" from across the store. The rest they say is history.
Robb and his lovely wife, Kathy, had moved to Sitka for Robb to take the position as the new librarian. AND, we learned that Robb and my husband, Greg Cawthon (now deceased) had actually worked together in Louisville in the past! We all became fast friends quickly.
Robb took the Sitka, Alaska library from the old site (Kettleson), to the interim site (Sheldon Jackson), to the brand spankin new facility in Sitka.
After time, we both had to leave the island (no, we weren't kicked off, lol).
My husband and I returned to Louisville and Robb and Kathy settled in Danville, KY.
Fast forward: Robb is teaching at Northern Kentucky University and he gets sick. REALLY, REALLY SICK.
He has a cancerous tumor on his liver. He has to quit teaching. He is poked and prodded till the cows come home.
Diagnosis? The medical team can keep the liver cancer at bay, but, he's absolutely going to need a new liver. He currThat's a big blow. THEN, Kathy's mom is diagnosed with cancer as well. Kathy has now become the caregiver for not only her husband, but her mom as well. She is doing an amazing job but, how can she take care of 2 of the most important people in her life and still work full-time to keep the bills paid, gas in the car, food, medical bills, and the list goes on forever.
The family finally desides that she can't. No earthly person could ever do all of that.
This is where you all come in. We need to lift this family up in prayer and also monetarily. They need to pay rent, utilities, food, gas, pay monthly insurance premiums and now co-pays.
Any amount helps!
Much love and many thanks on behalf of Robb and Kathy Farmer ❤️
Andrea Voorhis Cawthon
Louisville, KY