MMers Make Rister's Dream a Reality
A Message from Hal Elrod:
For 18 years, Rister has suffered from Keratoconus, a condition in which the clear tissue on the front of the eye (cornea) bulges outward. Her condition has led to four painful eye surgeries, two relationships ending, making her a single mom of two, and the loss of her career at a bank.
After dealing with such immense pain for an extended period of time, life’s hardships caught up with Rister, sending her spiraling downward into a deep depression. When suicide became a daily thought, Rister knew she had to turn her life around for not only her, but more importantly her children.
Rister began with online research for severe depression, and somehow stumbled across my podcast, which prompted her to read The Miracle Morning.
One year later, Rister credits TMM for helping her to overcome severe depression, be a better mom, help others.
On May 17, 2016 she began to courageously share her incredible transformation with 45,000 members of The Miracle Morning Community (pictured above) and the authenticity of her post grabbed the community’s attention, prompting over 400 likes and dozens of supportive comments in awe of Rister’s accomplishments. Rister is truly living what she has learned and after connecting with her personally I found out more about her ambitions and dreams.
Currently living in Kenya, in addition to being a single mom, she supports 40 children (who live on the street) to help them the way The Miracle Morning has helped her. Someone in our community shared one of Rister's Facebook posts (also pictured above), in which she lists the 5 people she dreams of meeting, and I saw that I am one of them (after Tony Robbins and Oprah, understandably!) ;-)
Rister continued by sharing that her 2 sons are now living a happier healthier lifestyle with dreams of being a pilot and a doctor. She has also reconciled with her husband and has defeated her severe depression.
After hearing her inspiring journey, I felt compelled to invite her to come to America, to share the stage with me and share her story of transformation at The Miracle Morning Mastery & Co-Creation Experience event in June.
Her story is what embodies the spirit of The Miracle Morning movement, and our community, and why I do what I do. She is truly living a level 10 life, living by examples, and helping others to do the same!
Unfortunately, Rister shared that was was not financially stable enough to make it from Kenya to America to share her story and to say thank you to me in person, but she had no doubts that it would happen one day soon.
Can we make that day be TODAY? .......
Friends and members of The Miracle Morning Community, I am reaching out to you on behalf of Rister, in the hopes that our community will come together to bring her from Kenya to America to share the stage with me at The Miracle Morning Mastery & Co-Creation Experience in June.
I'll donate the first $1,000 and I'm hoping you will help me to not only make her dream come true, but to share her story with the world in hopes that she can inspire millions of lives too.
Thank you so much for your support!
With love & gratitude,
- Hal Elrod