Rent Fund for Arnie and Emma
Donation protected
Transparency and vulnerability coming at you live from Los Angeles, CA!!!
Quick background: As a lot of you know, I recently went through some major life changes and made the cross-country move from FL to CA. I had no intention of moving until my two truly wonderful friends, Molly and Lou, helped me realize I was not doing too well (mentally and physically) and needed to make a change. We were sitting in their half-empty apartment, eating pizza, and packing all of their things into a moving pod bound for LA when they convinced me to go with them. Seriously, they're so convincing if they were selling shit at $2k a lb I'd probably buy it. Within 48 hours I resigned from my wonderful job, packed all my shit up, said goodbye to the most important people in my life, and we were off. Because I had just drained my funds moving into my own place the month prior, (great timing, I know) Molly and Lou shared their moving funds, let me crash at their new place for weeks, and helped me secure a long-term sublet so I could have my own space. Saints.
So, even with all of the help, I'm struggling. It's been three months now and I've managed to max out one credit card and I'm days away from maxing out a second. I've got 3 jobs, but consistency has been a major issue; the SAG and Writers Guild strikes have caused the service industry to become unbelievably oversaturated. I had a hotel job and lost it due to availability. I book catering gigs, but only a few a month. I got hired with an incredible start-up but the opening has been postponed several times due to construction and training requirements (https://www.level8dtla.com/). We're finally opening on August 30th, but I won't see any real income from this until the end of September. I secured another part-time bartending job, but again, training and consistency. I won't see any money until September. On top of all of this, I booked some survival gigs but got sick for a week and a half and had to drop some $$$ on urgent care and medications because my health insurance hasn't kicked in yet.
Bottom line- It sucks to have to make this but I'm trying to swallow my pride and just ask for help. I just need help paying this month's bills so I don't lose my housing or my belongings. I should have a consistent income by next month, it's just been a rough start. If you can help, thank you. If not, please just share!
- Rent/Utilities- $1650 ( believe it or not, this is cheap for a studio in LA)
- Storage Unit- $200
Extras that aren't necessities but I added to the goal:
- Phone- $80
- WiFi- $90
- Car Insurance- $80
- Cat Food- $30
- Parking Fees- $200
- Medications- $100
- Groceries (paid for already by my lovely Grandmother, Susan)
Emma Grimm
Los Angeles, CA