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URGENT NEED:  Two good used vans for the Norwich Tabernacle in Norwich, Connecticut.  If you have a good used 15 passenger van to donate or could help us to raise some funds for this cause, it will be deeply appreciated.  We have dozens of souls calling for rides to Church from 12 to 30 miles away in opposite directions.
Praise the Lord my dear friends.   I greet you in the wonderful name of Jesus.

Thirty one years ago I experienced a call from God to plant a CHURCH-IN-NORWICH-CONNECTICUT with a vision to reach out to the entire world from that location halfway between Boston and New York City.  Nothing about my calling or the visions made sense, but I knew it was all coming from God.  Many of my friends and people I highly respected tried to reason with me and talk me out of this idea, but I had chosen to follow God with all my heart, and there was absolutly no doubt that Jesus was taking me somewhere between New York City and Boston on a special assignment as I had told him that I would be willing to take on the greatest challenge anywhere in the world as I had been in deep prayer and surrender during the most disappointing and heart breaking moment of my life.



 After driving 1500 miles I  arrived in Norwich, Connecticut as a single parent preacher along with my two young daughters, a one dollar bill, and an empty gas tank.  We ran out of gas in the midst of a snow storm as we pulled into town.    A few years before we came to Norwich, our family had experienced unexpected difficulties, and it had seemed that all doors to our very active ministry had been closed.  God spoke to my heart during that heart breaking time and reminded me that the only door I needed would always be Jesus Christ. 


--------URGENT NEED: We need at least two vans as soon as possible in Norwich, Connecticticut.  Hundreds of people are trying to be part of the Norwich Tabernacle ministries, but transportation is a huge challenge. 

The only substance we had was faith in God as we started out with no Church building, no home, and a van parked on the side of the road with no fuel in the tank in the midst of a snow storm.  From that point forward I have spent the most precious years of my life living by faith with many signs and miracles following the call of God in this most unlikely place to find people interested in knowing about Jesus name baptism or the gift of the Holy Ghost.


--------URGENT NEED:

People are waiting in various countries and all across the USA to be trained and equipped with tools and understanding for effective soul winning.  We wish to go to where they are on a regular basis and work with them so they can become established.  There are small pockets of believers in many places who have been convinced through years of internet ministry that we are teaching and preaching the truth.  Many of them in in other countries do not have computers or mobile phones, nor do they have  a local truth Church near them, so they come together by meeting with neighbors during live services that we are streaming on the internet.

Soon after arriving in Norwich, Connecticut, God gave me a vision and spoke in a way that I have come to know as the voice of the true God.  In this vision I saw  the world before me, and there was a giant fish net wrapped around the world filled with knots and a very large hand at the top of the net  pulling the net upward.  My attention was drawn to the knots in the net.  It was like a camera zooming in slowly to the knots.  As the knots came close I discovered that these were not knots at all, but they were thousands upon thousands of people holding on to one another around the word.  I started sharing that vision in 1984 to people that I met and minstered to as a few drug addicts and drunks started coming to listen to me preach and teach the wonderful truth about the Grace and mercy of our wonderful Lord.  Many of them only came to beg for money and to ask for a ride across town.   It took us almost a year to have a total of twelve faithful people in the Church.  From that first day until now this ministry has survived by the miracles of our God.


--------URGENT NEED:  Funding for teaching materials - many languages around the world.  We could easily spend hundreds of thousands of dollars for these materials if we had the funding.  The need is great, and so is the ability of God to work through us to make it happen.

In all these years I have not kept any of the tithes or offerings, but I have given and continue to give all to the cause of Jesus Christ,  A few years ago when I came of age to receive my social security I placed the first check from social security in the Church bank account.  From that time until now I have never kept any of my social security.  For many years I have been homeless, driving old cars that were given to me, and eating food supplied by faithful and thankful people of God in Norwich, Connecticut.  The clothes on my back were given to me by faithful people who have learned the precious truth about Jesus name and the Holy Ghost here in Norwich, Connecticut.    I have not had  a home in many years, because even if I had a home, I would stay at the Church 24/7 crying and praying over a lost soul somewhere in the world as close as the click of a mouse and millions of souls on this East coast hungry for the answer that can only be found in the truth of Jesus name and the power of the Holy Spirit of the One God in Christ,  I stay at the Church 24/7. 

--------URGENT NEED:  Funding to establish this awesome truth on various radio 
stations around the world.  We already have several radio know of radio stations in Africa, South America, and other places all around the world  broadcasting the gospel from our servers here in the USA.  Many souls are being brought to God and crying out for us to come and help them to get established.  We need money to buy time of powerful shortwave stations.  Millions of souls have shortwave radios and do not have cell phones or computers.  We have used shortwave before and had tremendous results, but we could not keep it going because of the expenses.   With your prayers and financial help, we can see these things come to pass.

--------TESTIMONY...  A few days ago I received this post on FaceBook.   This is one of hundreds of similar testimonies that we have received. 

Facebook post: I had a blind man walk into my church about 3 years ago and he had a bag of clothes with him. He told me he had been listening to your radio program and said he believed what you were preaching. He asked to be baptized that night. I baptized him that night and he received the Holy Ghost! He goes to church in Paris, Texas and I pastor at in Durant, Okla. - Lawrence Buller 


In thirty one years of giving it all to Jesus, I have never been forsaken, nor have I had to beg for bread.   Nearly 100 people in many parts of the world have travelled to Norwich, Connecticut where they received the Holy Ghost and were BAPTIZED IN THE NAME OF JESUS after learning about this during our various internet presentations.  We rejoice as they  contact us during our live streaming services reporting victory in their lives.  It brings joy to our hearts as we patch them in to our sound system and listen to them praise the Lord while sitting in front of a computer or sitting on the side of a road watching us on a mobile phone  hundreds and thousands of miles away.  

In 1994, God showed me that the net in my vision that I  had twenty years earlier was something called the internet which would soon be public. 


--------URGENT NEED:  Support for native missionaries in many countries.  They preach the truth and have never had support from any organized system.  Many are struggling and going without food for days as they reach out to the lost.  We can go to them and be a blessing if we have the funding.  

The Norwich Church was one of the first Christian web sites on the internet.  When we started reaching out on the web there were only137,000 websites in the entire world.  In 1998 God sent me to Tartarstan Russia to teach and preach about this wonderful name of Jesus and the power of the Holy Ghost.  Church leaders in a trinity Church with about 30,000 members were converted and today there are many Jesus Name Churches in Russia who came to know the truth because of things that happened in that time of great miracles.  Be blessed as you watch this exciting video. 



--------URGENT NEED:  funding for more worship centers on the east coast from Boston to New York.

Since 1995 we have seen thousands upon thousands come to God all over the earth, and as I write these words people are tuned in to our live services and many are being filled with the HolyGhost.  In several countries we have people learning as we work all hours of the night using skype, facebook, twitter, youtube, linkedin, email filled with audio and video, and many blogs filled with teaching.  Sometimes it is very difficult to find time to rest.   My email accounts are filled with thousands upon thousands of people from many countries asking questions about the Holy Ghost, healing, and Jesus name baptism. 


Today at the age of 70 people are telling me that I need to retire, but I feel young, excited, full of energy, and I have chosen to REFIRE.  The   Lord our God has visited again with dreams and visions and said that we are still at the foundation level of this ministry, and that God has prepared the road ahead with a mighty move of God up and down this east coast, across America  and all over the world greater than anything we have ever experienced or imagined.  It will take millions of dollars to do what God is calling us to do, and we can do this in the name of Jesus.   Our overhead for several years has been more than $5000.00 every month, and we have to have that amount to pay the basic expenses of this ministry before I can even have money to eat a bowl of soup, and I am loving every minute of it. 


God has instructed me to start contacting the knots in the net, and he wants us to raise up a team of Christian workers all over this world as he is calling for this Apostolic ministry to expand in a team effort with faith in God which will include thousands of ministers and saints of God everywhere in the world who love the truth and have a burden for the lost.

I find myself again here in Norwich, Connecticut feeling the same as I felt when I arrived here 31 years ago with two hungry daughters, one dollar bill and a van parked on the side of the road out of gas covered with snow.  I cannot wait to see what God is going to do next.

People are receiving the Holy Ghost and waiting to be baptized all over the word, and today I am saying "YES"  to Jesus again as I hear his awesome still small voice instructing us to humble ourselves and seek his face more than ever before as the Lord is calling us to move forward into this powerful move of God.  

Would you like to be part of this victorious and glorious team of world missionaries?   Prepare yourself and join us with your prayers and financial support.  We need millions of dollars, and God is calling you right now as you read these words to get started today.   


God is going to bless you as you have faith in this Lord who does the impossible over and over again.   Pray and give offerings over and over as we launch forward with the substance of faith and trust in lord Jesus Christ.  We are starting off with a goal of 100 thousand dollars and that is only a small part of the need.  We need this amount as soon as possible.    We will set more goals as we go forward, and the more we are able to raise, the more we will be able do as our wonderful Lord gives us wisdom, strength and ability to do these exploits with God.  If false teachers and preachers can ask for millions and get it to promote deception and commit international fraud,  I see no problem in asking you to join us as we reach out asking inthe name of Jesus for millions of dollars to be used by devoted honest and trustworthy people loving God with pure hearts working 24/7 only to promote truth, love people and have revival all over this world. 

--------URGENT NEED:  Funding to be able to hop on a jet each week and visit many who have come to God through the years in internet ministry and help them to get settled into a good local Church near where they live. 

If I had a few thousand dollars right now I would be on my way in a few days with a few trusted friends to go baptize and teach some people in several countries who have been  waiting to be baptized and wanting to be filled with the Holy Ghost.  We would go to them and  help them to get started right as we connect them to ministries that may be in the area where they are located.   We would check out these ministries before we introduce them to these new converts.  I learned years ago that it is not the will of God, nor is it wise  to trust every preacher that discovers these new souls.  Some ministers with bad spirits and congregation filled with gossip envy and strife that we have sent them to  have abused and hurt these surrendered hearts  that have come to God as a result of many sleepless nights filled with crying and praying with them as they turned away from sin and received the Holy Ghost.   God is calling for sincere people for his name sake who are dedicated to the Lord and will show love and be patient as they work with souls that are just learning to get started with Jesus.  I will never again send a new searching heart to any place that I have not checked out by trying the spirits and knowing for sure that they will not cause damage to this  cause of God in the lives of these precious people by being mean spirited and showing terrible attudes as they kill all hope for those who are just trying to get started.   We are instructed by the Lord to be wise  and harmless as we help these tender hearts to get established in the kingdom of God.  If you are a sincere pastor out there somewhere and really following God with all your heart, please get in touch with us.  We may have friends near you.  I would love to visit you and spend time with you, because sooner or later we will probably be ready to fill up your Church with new converts providing you are in truth and have a history of treating people right.

SISTER_SWEENEY_WAS_BAPTIZED in the name of Jesus and filled with the Holy Ghost two weeks before she passed away.

--------URGENT NEED:  I am in planning sessions with administrators in the prison systems here in Connecticut.  We are working on improving our efforts to help inmates as they are released to get themselves re-established with physical needs, housing, jobs and generally a new beginning with teaching on attitude adjusting etc.  There are many financial needs involved here.  As we are able to relieve them of many of the pressures that come with being free again with nothing, they will be able to focus as we keep them attending Church and learning to trust in Jesus.  This is one cause that brings me to my knees over and over as I am daily involved in crying and praying with newly released inmates who are feeling so defeated as nobody seems to care.  Jesus cares, and I believe many of my friends care.  Please help us to help them.  There will be eternal rewards as result of the your faith that has substance and action.  Most of the men with powerful testimonies at the Norwich Tabernacle have spent years in prison.  Tune in to our services and be blessed as they share the joy of Jesus. 

Sister Vickie Had three weeks to live 13 years ago  when she discovered this truth for the first time as she tuned into our live service on the internet.  She is still alive today and winning souls for Jesus filled with the Holy Ghost and baptized in the name of Jesus. 


Sister Vickie brought great joy to our congregation after she had just done the impossible by traveling 1700 miles from Oklahoma City  to enjoy her Church family in Norwich, Connecticut that brought her and her son to God.  Just think about it.  She was on her way to hell and about to die, when one click of a mouse at in her room where she was depressed about to die changed everything in her life.  She was on her way to hell, and suddenly God led her to pay attention to a humble Church in Norwich, Connecticut working with cheap equipment, and God save her soul and added years to her life, and now she is on her way to Heaven.  SOMEBODY SHOUT HALLELUJAH!!!

--------URGENT NEEDS:  There are so many things we can do for the cause of Christ if we have the funding, and I have only included a fraction of what I feel God is calling us to do.  We really need several billion dollars.  Why not?  Sinners have held on to fortunes too long.  How about getting involved... Do not hold back.  God has blessed you.  Please be a blessing for others.  Freely you have received...Freely give.  Lay up your treasures in Heaven.  We cannot take it with us.  You never see a hearse pulling a uhaul trailor on the way to a funeral.

I will sincerely appreciate your gift in any amount for this cause.  You can use your credit or debit card and donate on this website. 

Other ways to donate include through or you
may send a check made payable to CHURCH AT NORWICH and mail it to Ren Rutledge - 207 Main Street - Norwich, Connecticut USA  06360.



KING_JESUS_IS_ALL - Ren Rutledge And Church


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Rendal G Rutledge
Norwich, CT

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