Renae DeLiz & Ray Dillon Family
My name is Renae De Liz, comic book writer and artist, recently of Legend of Wonder Woman. Right before the Holidays I was informed the project Ray Dillon (my husband) and I were working on was unfortunately cancelled. The finances we were expecting from the project through the New Year won't be coming, so we are left scrambling trying to find a way to support our family through the Holidays, and through this unexpected upheaval to more secure ground.
This GoFundMe page was at a request of those who wished to help, and the amount given is what we were expecting previously before the news to get us through the the New Year.
I have 3 children, and recently found out 1 is on the way as well! It's definitely a devastating blow to suddenly have security ripped away at a time like this, so if anyone feels like contributing, I will be forever grateful. No matter what, thanks for caring enough for even viewing the page :)
Thank you and Happy Holidays!