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Refuas Hanefesh

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Hi all! I'm Meira M. I like music, animals, and friends. I'm also a long-time warrior in the brutal battle of mental illness. Some of the struggles I have endured include panic disorder and major depressive disorder.  Not fun, let me tell you. On the harsh battleground, I have faced prolonged anxiety, multiple panic attacks, and days and weeks drowning in the deep ocean of despair. Despair of ever feeling good for a long period of time. Despair of liking myself or even tolerating being in my own presence. Despair of ever doing something important with my life. Despair that I will never feel that in a cost-benefit analysis, life is worth living.

I've been in therapy and on medication for many long years, and it's a long (sometimes seemingly endless) journey to recovery. 
My hope is that I will be able to spend some time in a residential treatment facility so that i can be immersed full time (something like 35 hours a week!), in recovery without having to worry about "keeping it together" for work etc; I will be able to focus on giving myself what i need to heal. I want so much to move forward with my life, to do more, to be a giver, and I feel so hindered by my limitations...... G-d has gifted me with many strengths and I want so badly to use them, to fulfill my potential. I try daily to fight the obstacles that block my path, to put every effort in to get better,  to fight the voice that tells me that I never will, to resist despair. But I cant do it alone.

In order to gain admission to the facility soon, I need to raise a lot a lot a lot(!) of money in a very short amount of time. This is only possible with your contributions. I also plan to use whatever part of my income I can as well as some monetary gifts I’ve received. Though it’s scary to leave myself without much in savings, this is about the quality of the rest of my life and nothing supersedes that. I will do whatever I can, and yet it’s not possible without outside support. I depend on the generosity of kindhearted people such as yourselves to help take the burden off my shoulders and allow me to move- forward, onward, upward...

Thank you for being Hashem's shaliach to aid my recovery. Your support is worth so much to me, to my family, and friends, my therapists, and everyone who is trying to help me on this long and hard journey...  In the zechus of your donation (and prayers for me-I'll take that too!), may Hashem reward you with many blessings and much happiness. Any amount-at all!- that you can personally donate, is so so much appreciated, and you may be able to do even more by forwarding this to anyone who may have the potential to contribute. Funds will be used entirely toward the many therapies I hope to receive, including EMDR, Somatic Experiencing, Neurofeedback, and group therapies.
G-d bless you that you should always merit to be on the giving end.
With sincerest gratitude,
Far Rockaway, NY


  • Michal Segal
    • $36 
    • 6 yrs
  • R’ R.
    • $1,840 (Offline)
    • 6 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $450 (Offline)
    • 6 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $155 (Offline)
    • 6 yrs


Meira M.
Lakewood Township, NJ

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