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Reese Family Flood Fund

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On July 26th 2017, Randy Reese,  his wife and families life changed. A big storm ripped through Martinez, GA which caused a flash flood to hit their home where they have lived for the past eleven years. Water was spilling through their home ripping it off the foundation, causing severe damage to everything they own. Even their vehicles. Since they don't have flood insurance for their home, this unfortunately is not covered. They are handling it with grace and bravery. Just like they also do through tough times. Both of them have put so much work + dedication into it to make it their own. We are hoping the community can come together to help out in any way possible. Please send all the prayers and good thoughts to them. They are amazing people with big hearts and deserve to have their sweet home back.
**Please know there are two Go-Fund Accounts.  This account was set up by Randy's daughter and sister and the other one was set up by Randy's wife's sister**
Je contribue


  • Nancy Jones
    • $50
    • 7 yrs
Je contribue

Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Tammie Reese
Evans, GA
Randolph Reese

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